6. Practice and Refine Your Skills The best way to improve your descriptive writing is to practice. Observe people in your daily life, write about them, and seek feedback from others. Pay attention to how authors you admire describe characters in books and movies. By expanding your ...
She was a sweet, plump lady and she was rather short. She had a round face, short grayish curly hair and friendly green eyes. Her rosy cheeks gave her wrinkled face a childlike appearance. She always used to wear perfectly-ironed dresses. ...
8、 is usually dressed in he/ she likes wearing he/ she often wears he/ she usually dresses like,(2). Clothes : Dungarees 背带裤 Leggings 紧身西裤 Kilt 有褶短裙 Leather jacket 皮夹克 Suit 套装 Trousers 普通的裤子 Parka 派克大衣 Waistcoat 马甲 Overcoat 外套长大衣 Tie 领带 Bow tie 领结 Pl...
whenyoudescribesomeoneinthepresent,andpasttenseswhenyou describesomeonerelatedtothepast,e.g.someoneyouhadmetbefore youmovedtothiscity,someonewhoisnolongeralive,etc. 冘Avoidwritingsimpleshortsentences.Morecomplexsentences joinedwithconnectorsmakeyourcompositionmoreeye-catching.E.g. ...
MANAGER: She works in a jewelry store. She likes long dresses for work. Her legs are long. She's very tall. She's big. She likes Western clothing. Come see the men's clothing.?MARTIN: This shirt is nice.?MANAGER: Do you like these things? Do you wear Western clothing?MARTIN: No...