Its also a good time. Liao Liao: Stubbs, Spring scenery provokes peoples interest. tease and provoke. The view of spring arouses peoples interest. The park is full of beautiful spring scenery. A scene of prosperity. Spring is everywhere. spring beautiful scenery like the ocean deep. It is ...
4.Voice booming rasping squeaky harsh deep growling melodious 5.Complexion pale fair sallow ruddy dark rosy spotty creamy pink freckled bold Object 1. measurements:width, height, length, depth, area, volume, weight,etc 2. shape: triangular, oval, square, rectangular, rhombic, trapezoid, egg-sh...
Facial expressions: Do they have a mischievous twinkle in their eyes? Do they furrow their brow when they're thinking? Gestures: Do they wave their hands a lot when they talk? Do they have a nervous habit like biting their nails or fiddling with their hair? Voice: Is their...
Instead of 'Her face held an amused expression' think of what makes a face have this appearance and try to describe the visual elements of this amusement. You could describe a slight smile that seems to teeter on the edge of a loud cackle or a single-sided smile, a curled lip that cou...
Voice: Melodic, deep, raspy, soft, loud, booming, gentle, soothing. II. Character and Personality: 1. Positive Traits: Intelligence and Wisdom: Brilliant, insightful, perceptive, witty, eloquent, knowledgeable, erudite, wise, insightful, thoughtful, intelligent, brilliant. Emotional...
Solid, deep, and substantial sense of bass response below approximately 50Hz. Related:Sub-Bass Opposite:Treble Width↳ A sense of horizontal space (left to right) in stereo reproduction. Similar to Depth (which is space front to back). ...
n She is a beautiful girl with fair hair. n The middle-aged man already 4、has double chins and receding hairline. 5n 五官五官:n (1) 眼睛(眼睛(eye): n deep-set; sunken 凹陷的; bulging/protruding 凸出的; eyelashes; eyebrows. n A. His eyes are deep-set because he has worked ...
in order to enable machines to describe the singing voice from the vocal pedagogy point of view, we perform a task called paralinguistic singing attribute recognition. To achieve this goal, we first construct and publish an open source dataset named Singing Voice Quality and Technique Database (SV...
Make a presentation about describing your educational background and major. (Video or voice recording, no less than 2mins) 请根据第二单元话题Education 做个汇报,内容是你的教育背景(主要是大学四年所学课程、知识和技能、专业和感悟),设想现在的你是大四阳光学院的毕业生,正在求职,你即将供职的公司CEO要求...
deep-set;sunken凹陷的;bulging/protruding凸出的;eyelashes;eyebrows.A.Hiseyesaredeep-setbecausehehasworkedtillmidnightforalongtime.他的眼睛深陷,因为他这段时间经常工作到深夜。B.HehadthemostbeautifulblueeyesIhadeverseen.PhysicalAppearance (2)鼻子(nose):long;...