ClusterSnapshotsDB D.B. N ClusterSnapshot Stellt eine Liste von Cluster-Snapshots bereit. Typ: Array vonDBClusterSnapshot-Objekten Marker Ein optionales Paginierungstoken, das von einer vorherigen Anforderung bereitgestellt wird. Wenn Sie diesen Parameter angeben, enthält die Antwort nur die ...
DeleteDBClusterParameterGroup DeleteDBClusterSnapshot DeleteDBInstance DeleteDBSubnetGroup DeleteEventSubscription DeleteGlobalCluster DescribeCertificates DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups DescribeDBClusterParameters DescribeDBClusters DescribeDBClusterSnapshotAttributes DescribeDBClusterSnapshots DescribeDBEngineVersions Describ...
$service_obj->DescribeDBClusterSnapshots(Att1 => $value1, Att2 => $value2, ...); Values for attributes that are native types (Int, String, Float, etc) can passed as-is (scalar values). Values for complex Types (objects) can be passed as a HashRef. The keys and values of the ha...
DeleteDBClusterParameterGroup DeleteDBClusterSnapshot DeleteDBInstance DeleteDBSubnetGroup DeleteEventSubscription DeleteGlobalCluster DescribeCertificates DescribeDBClusterParameterGroups DescribeDBClusterParameters DescribeDBClusters DescribeDBClusterSnapshotAttributes DescribeDBClusterSnapshots DescribeDBEngineVersions Describ...
True to include shared manual DB cluster snapshots from other Amazon accounts that this Amazon account has been given permission to copy or restore, and otherwise false. StringgetMarker() An optional pagination token provided by a previousDescribeDBClusterSnapshotsrequest. ...
An optional pagination token provided by a previous DescribeDBClusterSnapshots request. #max_records ⇒ Integer The maximum number of records to include in the response. #snapshot_type ⇒ String The type of DB cluster snapshots to be returned.Instance...
DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsRequest clone() Creates a shallow clone of this object for all fields except the handler context. boolean equals(Object obj) String getDBClusterIdentifier() The ID of the DB cluster to retrieve the list of DB cluster snapshots for. String g...
public DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsResult() Method Detail setMarker public void setMarker(Stringmarker) An optional pagination token provided by a previous request. If this parameter is specified, the response includes only records beyond the marker, up to the value specified byMaxRe...
DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsRequest request =newDescribeDBClusterSnapshotsRequest{DBClusterIdentifier = dbClusterIdentifier };// Get the full list if there are multiple{response =await_amazonRDS.DescribeDBClusterSnapshotsAsync(request); results.AddRange(response.DBClusterSnapshots); request...
voidsetDBClusterSnapshots(Collection<DBClusterSnapshot> dBClusterSnapshots) Provides a list of DB cluster snapshots for the user. voidsetMarker(Stringmarker) An optional pagination token provided by a previousDescribeDBClusterSnapshotsrequest. StringtoString() ...