which are the organs responsible for making fluids in the body that is potentially fatal but treatable, especially when diagnosed early. Learn about the disease process of cystic fibrosis, including the mutated gene that causes it, its symptoms, progre...
Dr. Losordo has also begun a large trial of a gene therapy that seems to help patients regrow blood vessels that supply the heart— “grow your own bypass, if you will,” he says. “It’ s a very exciting time. “ The best gene therapies just treat symptoms. The cells and tissues...
It secretes a fluid that lubricates the lungs during breathing, making the lungs move smoothly in the cavity. In between the lung and the membrane is a thin space where the fluid lies.Answer and Explanation: The respiratory infection ...
Multiple myeloma is a cancer that attacks plasma cells in bone marrow, reducing the body's ability to fight infections. Learn about multiple myeloma, including the cells involved, tests, and treatments. Explore related conditions and understand which symptoms indicate multiple myeloma. Related...