A Simple Model to Describe the Relationship among Rainfall, Groundwater and Land Subsidence under a Heterogeneous AquiferYaYun Zheng
joints and faults, as well as the type and extent of the overburden, which strongly controls the karstification process (Ford2003). To obtain an appropriate hydrogeological conceptual model of a karst aquifer, information on structural
One of the causes of complex recession is aquifer heterogeneity in a streamflow basin, a topic which has been described in the literature and explained using various conceptual models. To address a dual-aquifer effect with PULSE, the model is executed for each subbasin with its characteristic ...
Temperature logging to describe the movement of sewage-polluted surface water infiltrating into a fractured rock aquifer. Journal of Hydrology 173, 191-217.Malard F, Chapuis R (1995) Temperature logging to describe the movement of sewage-polluted surface water infiltrating into a fractured rock ...
Temperature logging to describe the movement of sewage-polluted surface water infiltrating into a fractured rock aquifer. Journal of Hydrology 173, 191-217.Malard F, Chapuis R (1995) Temperature logging to describe the movement of sewage-polluted surface water infiltrating into a fractured rock ...
Brackish water of the Edwards aquifer, south-central Texas, occurs in a zone of convergent mixing primarily between hydropressured freshwater moving downdip by gravity and deep brine migrating updip through geopressure drive. The convergence between flow regimes in the Edwards Group is documented ...