故选C。 C Since the Endangered Species Act (ESA) was passed in 1973, it has helped hundreds of species avoid extinction in the United States. The strong conservation policy has been used as a model in other countries. But it's not as successful as it could be, a new study finds. ...
Interspecific killing is common among carnivores and can have population-level effects on imperiled species. The fisher (Pekania [Martes] pennanti) is a rare forest carnivore in western North America and a candidate for listing under the United States Endangered Species Act. Interspecific killing ...
Explain how privatizing endangered species will save them from extinction. Give an example. Use the incentives of private property owners and tragedy of the commons in your answer. Explain the negative externality that could occur due to the building of a new airport. ...
Describe (including relative species diversity, temperature extremes, and precipitation) and recognize examples of the Chaparral biomes found on land. Explain how a natural wetland or artificial wetland can act like a sewage treatment plant. Compare the processes that occur in the wetland to those of...
Honey bees are large-scale monitoring tools due to their extensive environmental exploration. In their activities and from the hive ecosystem complex, they get in close contact with many organisms whose traces can be transferred into the honey, which can
This criterion involves looking at how people gather information from the world around them. People who prefer sensing tend to pay attention to realty, particularly to what they can learn from their own senses. They tend to focus on details and enjoy getting hands-on experience. Those who prefe...
The Endangered Species Act was passed in 1973, and by 1998, less than 1,000 animal species were listed as endangered. Such animals as giant pandas and tigers are on the top. These species not only need special measures and extra protection in order to survive, they also serve as "...
ENDANGERED speciesFISH conservationOCEAN bottomThe Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus) is listed by Canada's Species at Risk Act as a species of special concern. Effective conservation strategies rely on accurate knowledge of habitat requirements, distribution, and vulnerabilities; however, current ...
Give an example of an endangered species and explain why it is becoming endangered. What effects could losing that species have on the ecosystem in which it lives? Define environmental racism. Provide examples that illustrate the impact of environmental racism and explain how environmental r...