结合文章第一段第一句 Global warming is the term used to describe the rising of the average temperature on Earth. 可知,全球变暖是用来描述地球平均温度上升的术语。故正确答案为C。2. 猜测词义题。结合划线词所在句 Many glaciers are already melting and shrinking throughout the world. 可知,世界各地的...
Global warming is the term used to describe the rising of the average temperature on Earth. It has to do with the whole climate of the Earth rather than the weather on any given day.▲★★Which of the following best describes global warming?A. The high temperature on Earth.B. The weathe...
Describe an environmental problem (global warming) You should say: What the problem is. What is the cause of it. What the effects of the problem are. And explain how we can solve this problem. https://ieltspracticeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Describe-an-environmental-problem-global...
Describe four possible effects of global warming on the planet. How the carbon cycle relates to global warming, describing at least two implications of climate change for biological systems? Give two main gases that contribute to the "greenhouse effect"?
Describe two environmental stresses that causes the stomata to close. How could the effects of global warming impact peatlands? what could happen to CO2 concentration? Explain What is global warming? How does it happen? Name ways in which "we" can decrease the causes of global warming. In ge...
"e The IPCC working groups showed potential adaptation paths, and they are the other things we can do in terms of fighting climate change and relieving its worst effects, rather than simply reducing carbon emissions. This would include taking measures such as switching to a more plant-based ...
(1)B.推理判断题.根据文章第一段的" warming temperatures will cause the rising ocean and increased flooding,especially in coastal regions气温升高会导致海洋上升和洪水泛滥,尤其是在沿海地区可知,气候变暖将会导致沿海
Naturaldisaster Causedbynature.TrafficaccidentPlanecrashTerroristattack[Pollution/Globalwarming]NaturalDisaster= adisastercausedbynaturalforcesratherthanbyhumanaction Earthquake Flood Drought Famine饥荒饥荒 VolcanicEruption Tsunami Blizzard暴风雪暴风雪 Epidemic流行病流行病 Wildfire HeatWave Tornado Hurricane/Typhoon/...
Premium Global warming Climate 201 Words 6 Pages Satisfactory Essays Read More Pollution and Its Effects on the Ecosystem Pollution and Its Effects on Ecosystems By Malik Lockett 808 Pollutions of ecosystems can harm living organisms. It can cause death‚ the w...