The details of the basic information about the database. { "allowedValues": [ "CHECKSUM" ], "databasePropertyName": "page_verify", "allowModify": true, "excludeLock": "0", "currentValue": "CHECKSUM" } CharacterSetName string The name of the character set. utf8 Collate string The coll...
scaletinyintScale of column if numeric-based. Otherwise returns0. Not nullable. collation_namesysnameName of the collation of the column if character-based. Otherwise returnsNULL. Nullable. user_type_idintFor CLR and alias types, contains theuser_type_idof the data type of ...
DatabaseCharsets Array of String Database character set list RequestId String The unique request ID, generated by the server, will be returned for every request (if the request fails to reach the server for other reasons, the request will not obtain a RequestId). RequestId is required for ...
allocate a buffer in which to store the parameter// value in character form. The function determines the size of the buffer from// the SQL data type and parameter size returned by SQLDescribeParam and returns// a pointer to the buffer and the length of the buffer.AllocParamBuffer(D...
Self-awareness means having a good understanding of our own character, that is, having the ability to see ourselves clearly. If you’re self-aware, you may know that you love playing an instrument because you do well in it, and music makes you happy, or that you prefer watching TV on ...
scaletinyintScale of column if numeric-based. Otherwise returns0. Not nullable. collation_namesysnameName of the collation of the column if character-based. Otherwise returnsNULL. Nullable. user_type_idintFor CLR and alias types, contains theuser_type_idof the data type of the column as speci...
system_type_id int NOT NULL Contains the system_type_id of the data type of the column as specified in sys.types. For CLR types, even though the system_type_name column will return NULL, this column will return the value 240. system_type_name nvarchar(256) NULL Co...
CharacterType String 节点角色 节点属性,取值如下: polarx_cn:计算节点; polarx_store:数据节点; polarx_gms:GMS节点。 Role String master 节点角色,取值如下: master:主节点 standby:备节点 DBInstanceName String pxc-sprcym7g7w*** 实例名称。 DBInstanceId String 304726049 实例ID。 Region String cn-hang...
The variant with the addition IN BYTE MODE determines the length of the data object dobj in bytes. The variant with the addition IN CHARACTER MODE determines the length of the data object dobj in characters. When using IN CHARACTER MODE, the data type of dobj must be flat and character-...
When the DESCRIBE statement is executed, the database manager assigns values to the variables of the SQLDA as follows: SQLDAID The first 6 bytes are set to 'SQLDA ' (that is, 5 letters followed by the space character). The seventh byte is set based on the result columns described: ...