每日即兴英文演讲A car is out of control. Do nothing, then 5 people die. Or sacrifice 03:01 每日即兴英文演讲 Where do you see yourself in 5 years ? 03:55 2024年9月6日星期五 每日英文即兴演讲 The pros and cons of being famous. 04:54 #77天演讲转身挑战Day 6: Share with us one...
每日即兴英文演讲A car is out of control. Do nothing, then 5 people die. Or sacrifice 03:01 每日即兴英文演讲 Where do you see yourself in 5 years ? 03:55 2024年9月6日星期五 每日英文即兴演讲 The pros and cons of being famous. 04:54 #77天演讲转身挑战Day 6: Share with us one...
DestPortGroup string 访问控制策略中流量访问的目的端口地址簿名称。 my_port_group AclUuid string 访问控制策略的唯一标识 ID。 00281255-d220-4db1-8f4f-c4df221a*** DestPortType string 访问控制策略中流量访问的目的端口类型。取值: port:端口 group:端口地址簿 port Source string 访问控制策略中的访问源地...
Security: A security group is the most common type of group and it's used to manage user and device access to shared resources. For example, you may create a security group for a specific security policy such as Self-service password reset or for use with a conditional access policy to...
Instantly connect. Message a team member one on one or the entire team in a group chat. Hop on a call or share your screen for immediate feedback. Take conversations anywhere. Record voice messages while you’re on the go, and reply to an instant chat from your mobile ...
GroupIds The identifiers of one or more IP access control groups. Type: Array of strings Pattern: wsipg-[0-9a-z]{8,63}$ Required: No MaxResults The maximum number of items to return. Type: Integer Valid Range: Minimum value of 1. Maximum value of 25. Required: No NextToken ...
AccessControlList array 公网访问 ACL 控制列表。仅当 PublicAccessEnabled 为 true 时有效。 AccessControl string 公网访问 ACL 控制列表。仅当 PublicAccessEnabled 为 true 时有效。 [""] ResourceGroupID string 资源组 ID。 rg-2nnnd0b6q37*** Tags array 标签列表。 Tag object 标签...
DeleteAccessControlRule DeleteAlias DeleteAvailabilityConfiguration DeleteEmailMonitoringConfiguration DeleteGroup DeleteIdentityCenterApplication DeleteIdentityProviderConfiguration DeleteImpersonationRole DeleteMailboxPermissions DeleteMobileDeviceAccessOverride DeleteMobileDeviceAccessRule DeleteOrganization DeletePersonalAccessToken...
RequestIdStringThe unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem. 4. Example Example1 Enumerating consumer groups Input Example https://ckafka.tencentcloudapi.com/?Action=DescribeGroup&InstanceId=xxxx &<Common request parameters> ...
If no VPC ID is returned, the network type of the security group is classic network. vpc-bp1opxu1zkhn00gzv*** RequestId string The ID of the request. 473469C7-AA6F-4DC5-B3DB-A3DC0DE3C83E InnerAccessPolicy string The access control policy of the security group. Valid values: Accept:...