Answer to: Describe the functions of the following organelles: (a) Ribosome, (b) Nucleus. By signing up, you'll get thousands of step-by-step...
Describe the structure, composition, and function of lysosomes. Describe the structure and functions of the following organelles: a. Chloroplast. b. Lysosome. c. Ribosomes. d. Rough ER. Describe the functions of the following organelles: (a) Golgi complex...
2. Please describe the structural characteristics of the B-DNA. 3. Describe the molecular composition, structural features and functions of tRNA. Chapter 3 Enzyme Explain the following terms 1. enzyme 2. enzyme active center 3. enzyme competitive inhibition 4. Km 5. isoenzyme 6. zymogen activati...
Use a red blood cell as an example to describe how the protein composition of a cell membrane can determine its shape.Describe the structure, composition, and functions of prokaryotic cell walls.Explain how and why each cell functions differently in...
Describe the role of a cell.Answer and Explanation:The cells role in the body is like its building blocks. Without the cells, the body will have no structure, will never be able to absorb nutrients, will never be able to produce energy, and do specialized functions. You want to ...
Describe the structure and functions of the following organelles: a. Chloroplast. b. Lysosome. c. Ribosomes. d. Rough ER. Describe the structure and function of eukaryotic chromosomes. Describe the structure and functions of the following organelles: a. Smooth ER. b. Golgi Apparatus...
The photosynthesis refers to the process through with the plant synthesize its food, and it occurs in a double membrane-bound organelle is known as chloroplast. Chloroplast are found in plant cells and some photosynthetic algae. The leaf of the plant is known...
Describe the structure, composition, and function of ribosomes. Explain the difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Describe the functions of the following organelles: (a) Ribosome, (b) Nucleus. What do all eukaryotes have that prokaryotes do not? a. Cell membrane b. Nucleus c. Cyt...
Describe the production and role of ADH in controlling water balance. Explain the function, characteristics, and source of release of anti-diuretic hormone. Explain the role of tRNA in protein synthesis. Include a description of how it interacts with mRNA and the ribosome. Discuss the role of ...
DNA means deoxyribonucleic acid. It is a hereditary material which is present in all living organisms. DNA contains all the hereditary information. It forms a double helix structure and nucleotides are the basic part of DNA. RNA is also known as ribonucleic acid. It is a polymeric molecu...