Command Line Interface 6. Error Code 1. API Description Domain name for API request: This API is used to query the details of execution status and result of a task submitted in the last 3 days by task ID. A maximum of 100 requests can be initiated per second ...
Command Line Interface 6. Error Code 1. API Description Domain name for API request: This API is used to query the information of an instance node. A maximum of 20 requests can be initiated per second for this API. We recommend you to use API Explorer Try...
Try the statement later. 数据库正在变更,请稍后再试。 400 SqlExecuteFailedOrTimeout sql command execution failed or timed out:%s. sql命令执行失败或执行超时 400 ConcurrentLimit The request processing has been concurrent limit. 请求处理已达到并发限制。 400 Order.ComboInstanceNotAllowOperate A packa...
The Azure Command Line Interface, or CLI, is similar to PowerShell in that it can be used either imperatively or declaratively. Much like PowerShell and Azure Resource Manager templates, the Azure CLI provides a mechanism to deploy or modify Azure Resources. Some commands f...
The object definition that you see in the output from a DESCRIBE command might include a description (LD), a value name format (VNF) for a time dimension, an expression associated with a FORMULA, permission specified withPERMITcommands, trigger programs associated with the object (TRIGGER command...
(the_repository); the_repository->settings.command_requires_full_index = 0; repo_read_index(the_repository); refresh_index(the_repository->index, REFRESH_QUIET|REFRESH_UNMERGED, NULL, NULL, NULL); fd = repo_hold_locked_index(the_repository, &index_lock, 0); if (0 <= fd) repo_update_...
Use the odacli describe-job command to display details about a specific job, including the job ID, status, tasks, and the job created date and time stamp. Syntax To view a specific job, status, and tasks: odacli describe-job -i jobid [-j] [-h] Parameters ParameterDescription , -i...
cd /Users/.../CocoaPodsDemo 3、 创建Pods文件 touch Podfile新建一个文件,指令:vim Podfile(touch Podfile 也行,注意大小写,通过touch创建的不能直接编辑,还得双击打 开,所以一般用vim那个)。新建这个文件的目的是要告诉CocoaPods我这个工程里需要用到哪些框架。 (vim...
This parameter is returned only when the primary instance runs MySQL. rr-bp*** Examples Sample success responses JSONformat {"DBInstanceId":"rm-bp***","RequestId":"F1BDDEA8-452D-450B-AB10-CD5C5BAFC5DF","DelayTime":0,"ReadDBInstanceId":"rr-bp***","Items": {"Items": [ {"DB...
The FunctionAdvisor(describe, math_function) command returns a description for the function. Examples > FunctionAdvisor(describe,sin) sin=sine function (1) > FunctionAdvisor(describe,arccsc) arccsc=inverse cosecant (csc) function (2) > FunctionAdvisor(describe,BesselK) BesselK=Modified Bessel...