The Central Dogma:The central dogma of molecular biology describes the flow of information from DNA to a functional protein. Specifically, it states that information in DNA is used to make RNA which is then used to make protein.Answer and Explanation: DNA sequence...
The term "central dogma of biology" describes a simple rule, that information in DNA is transcribed onto RNA, which is then translated into proteins. The actual processes are much more complex, but the important point is that these basic steps occur in the cells of all lifeforms....
RNA polymerase binds to the promoter region of a gene to begin transcription. On the basis of the DNA sequence, it synthesises a complementary mRNA... Learn more about this topic: The Central Dogma of Biology | Analogy & Theory from ...
Describe the history of DNA discovery as the hereditary molecule. Watson and Crick; Watkins and Franklin; Chargaff. What is the double helix model of DNA? The discovery of the double helix structure of DNA by James Watson and Francis Crick marked a milestone in t...
Central Dogma In molecular biology, central dogma is the principle that explains the flow of genetic information from the nucleus to protein in a biological system. It is also known as "DNA makes RNA, RNA makes proteins". This principle was first stated by Francis Crick. ...
Describe the central dogma of molecular biology. Briefly describe the processes of transcription and translation. Explain the role of RNA polymerase in transcription. Explain the ramifications to the process of transcription if the following occurs: The termination sequence of a gene is removed Identify...
Describe the transcription and translation that happens during protein synthesis. Describe how the RNA transcript is modified before it can be used to make proteins. The function of RNA to DNA include the replication, transcrip...
What is the central dogma of biology? Learn about the central dogma of genetics and its general processes. See the analogy of the central dogma definition. Related to this QuestionBegin with the information in DNA, a specific gene, and des...