With respect to the population with alcohol dependence, these values were -0.380 • 0.108 and 0.476 + 0.285, respectively, which showed low sensitivity to acetaldehyde but high sensitivity to ethanol. A33. Biochemical and Genetic Studies of Glutathione S-Transferase. Shoji HARADA,1 Masato ABEI z...
List the distinctive features of the IR spectra of isopentyl acetate, isopentyl alcohol, and acetic acid and assign the absorption bands to the appropriate functional groups. 1) The corners (or apexes) of a triangle phase diagram represent what...
Honey bees are unique large-scale monitoring tools due to their extensive foraging activities and environmental exploration7,8. Honey bees get into direct contact with the environment in which they live and bring into their hives, and in turns into the honey, environmental contaminants and traces7,...