awselbv2describe-target-health\--target-group-arnarn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-west-2:123456789012:targetgroup/my-targets/73e2d6bc24d8a067 Output: {"TargetHealthDescriptions":[{"HealthCheckPort":"80","Target":{"Id":"i-ceddcd4d","Port":80},"TargetHealth":{"State":"healthy"}},{"He...
DescribeTargetHealthRequestclone() Creates a shallow clone of this object for all fields except the handler context. booleanequals(Objectobj) List<String>getInclude() Used to include anomaly detection information. StringgetTargetGroupArn() The Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of ...
zoneId = zoneParts[len(zoneParts)-1] at := route53.AliasTarget{ DNSName: &hn, EvaluateTargetHealth: aws.Boolean(false), HostedZoneID: hzId, } rrs := route53.ResourceRecordSet{ AliasTarget: &at, Name: &domain, Type: aws.String("A"), } change := route53.Change{ Action: ...
HealthCheckTargetIp string 健康检查的目标 IP 地址。 192.XX.XX.1 VbrInstanceId string VBR 实例 ID。 vbr-bp1kznorjeembsuhl*** VbrInstanceRegionId string VBR 实例所在的地域 ID。 cn-hangzhou CenId string 云企业网实例 ID。 cen-6hpdgj7ni6pz1k*** HealthyThreshold integer 健康检查发送探测报文的...
ActionString是DescribeListenerHealth要执行的操作,取值为DescribeListenerHealth。 VersionString是2020-04-01API版本信息,当前版本为:2020-04-01。 ListenerIdString是lsn-2fek3rgsxhrsw5oxruwec***监听器ID。您可以调用DescribeListeners接口获取监听器ID。 Only...
HealthCheckTargetIp string 健康检查的目标 IP 地址。 192.XX.XX.1 VbrInstanceId string VBR 实例 ID。 vbr-bp1kznorjeembsuhl*** VbrInstanceRegionId string VBR 实例所在的地域 ID。 cn-hangzhou CenId string 云企业网实例 ID。 cen-6hpdgj7ni6pz1k*** HealthyThreshold integer 健康检查发送探测报文的...
aFocus Selected Target 焦点选择的目标[translate] aIllustration of random and fixed exposures used for the example 用于例子的任意和固定的曝光的例证[translate] aThe bitterest thing in our today's sorrow is the memory of our yesterday's joy. 最苦涩的事在我们的今天哀痛是我们的昨天的喜悦记忆。[tran...
Person concepts: The effect of target familiarity and descriptive purpose on the process of describing others 1 Journal of Personality, 47 (1) (1979), pp. 136-161 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar Fiske, Cuddy and Glick, 2007 S.T. Fiske, A.J. Cuddy, P. Glick Universal dimensions of...
A link to an online survey was offered to the members and champions of the Institute of Health Visiting (n=9,474) March鈥揗ay 2016. The survey was completed by 1,599 (17%) of the target population, of whom 85% were offering LVs. The Template for Intervention Description and Replication...
DescribeTargetHealth DescribeLoadBalancers DescribeLoadBalanceTaskStatus DescribeListeners DeleteLoadBalancerListeners DeleteLoadBalancer DeleteListener CreateLoadBalancer CreateListener BatchRegisterTargets BatchModifyTargetWeight BatchDeregisterTargets ModifyListener Data Types Error Codes Tencent Kubernetes Engine Data Ty...