describe 用来输出变量(field structure table)的有关属性 主要有以下3种用法: Field Properties 1. DESCRIBE FIELD ... Properties of an Internal Table 2. DESCRIBE TABLE ... Distance Between Two Fields 3. DESCRIBE DISTANCE ... 以下程序演示了相关用法: REPORT demo_describe_field. TYPES: surname(20) ...
DESCRIBE TABLE tab_erlist LINES g_count 比如 tab_erlist 有100行 那么变量 g_count 就是100
DESCRIBE TABLE lt_mat LINES lv_cont. 这行的意思是 计算内表 lt_mat 的行数 ,将行数放到变量 lv_cont 里。分类: ABAP 好文要顶 关注我 收藏该文 微信分享 烟埋竹月 粉丝- 15 关注- 0 +加关注 0 0 升级成为会员 « 上一篇: ABAP:for all entries in 语句 » 下一篇: ABAP clear,...
DESCRIBE TABLEitab [KINDknd] [LINESlin] [OCCURSn]. 不同的选项使你能够判断表类型、行数、初始化大小。另外,系统字段sy-tfill和sy-tleng保存着表行数量和以字节计的表行长度。注:为了更详细的关于内表的信息,应用RTTS的方法代替语句describe table。没有指定一个附加项,语句describe table只设置系统字段sy...
DESCRIBE (ABAP Keyword) introduction & syntax details DESCRIBE – return attributes of an internal table Basic form DESCRIBE TABLE itab. Effect Returns the attributes of the internal table itab . You must use at least one of the additions listed ...
DESCRIBE (ABAP Keyword) introduction & syntax details DESCRIBE – return attributes of an internal table Basic form DESCRIBE TABLE itab. Effect Returns the attributes of the internal table itab . You must use at least one of the additions listed ...
ABAP DESCRIBE statement keyword to get information about tables and fields Use the DESCRIBE statement to get information about an internal table such as number of lines in an itab.This statement captures several properties of an internal table and assigns them to the specified variables, such ...
Properties of an Internal Table 2. DESCRIBE TABLE ... Distance Between Two Fields 3. DESCRIBE DISTANCE ... Field Properties 作用:对一个Elementary data的属性进行描述,就是说可以通过这条语句知道某一个data的类型、长度、小数点、输出长度等信息。语法如下。
DescribeTable DescribeTimeToLive ExecuteStatement GetItem ListTables PutItem Query Scan UpdateItem UpdateTable UpdateTimeToLive 场景 使用加速读取 DAX 构建应用程序以将数据提交到 DynamoDB 表 有条件地更新物品的 TTL 连接到本地实例 创建用于RESTAPI跟踪 COVID -19 个数据 创建Messenger 应用程序 创建无服务器...
SAP ABAP AWS SDK for .NET 注意 還有更多 。 GitHub尋找完整範例,並了解如何在 AWS 程式碼範例儲存庫中設定和執行。 /// <summary> /// Get a list of Availability Zones in the AWS Region of the Amazon EC2 Client. /// </summary> /// <returns>A list of availability zones.</returns> ...