在SQLServer中,可以使用以下两种语法来描述表: 1.使用sp_help存储过程: ``` sp_help<table_name> ``` 这个存储过程将返回与指定表相关的各种信息,包括列名、数据类型、长度、约束等。 2.使用T-SQL的DESC命令: ``` DESC<table_name> ``` 这个命令将返回与指定表相关的列名、数据类型和允许的...
select syscolumns.name,systypes.name,syscolumns.length from syscolumns join sysobjects on ...
The third method to generate an SQL Server describe table output is to query the information schema. We query information_schema.columns and filter on our table name. Here’s the query for the customer table: SELECT*FROMINFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNSWHEREtable_name='customer'; The output is: The ...
SQL 複製 EXEC sp_describe_first_result_set N'SELECT b2 AS b3 FROM v', NULL, 2; 結果集如下所示。展開資料表 is_hiddencolumn_ordinalNAMEsource_schemasource_tablesource_columnis_part_of_unique_key 0 1 B3 dbo v B2 0 1 2 ROWSTAT NULL NULL NULL 0...
11 IF OBJECT_ID('tempdb..#table1') is not null --判断临时表 table1 是否存在, 12 select '表已存在' 13 else 14 select '表不存在,请创建' 15 16 select OBJECT_ID('Student') -- 返回 245575913 根据对象名称返回对象ID 17 18 select OBJECT_NAME('245575913') -- 返回 Student 根据对象ID返回...
The simplest way to use sp_columns to show the columns and related information about a SQL Server table is to execute the stored proecedure passing it the table name like so: exec sp_columns MyTable This returns a row for each column in the table, describing the column in detail. Some...
ColumnName Type Size Key --- --- --- --- TableName 2 40 1 DatabaseName 2 40 1 Status 0 4 0 NumDependents 12 4 0 TableID 0 4 0 TableKind 0 4 0 StorageKind 0 4 0 ServerID 0 4 0
table_ownersysnameUser ID of the table owner. table_namesysnameName of the object or base table. In SQL Server, server cursors always return the user-specified object, not the base tables. optimizer_hintsmallintBitmap that is made up of one or more of the following options: ...
Table_name sysname 对象或基表的名称。 在 SQL Server 中,服务器游标始终返回用户指定的对象,而不是基表。 Optimizer_hints smallint 由下列一项或多项组成的位图: 1 = 行级锁定 (ROWLOCK) 4 = 页级锁定 (PAGELOCK) 8 = 表锁 (TABLOCK) 16 = 排他表锁 (TABLOCKX) 32 = 更新锁 (UPDLOCK) 64 = ...
The input Transact-SQL batch declares a local variable of the same name as a parameter declared in@params. The statement references temporary tables. The query includes the creation of a permanent table that is then queried. If@tsqlhas no parameters, other than parameters declared in@params, ...