Describe something that you shared with others – or another person描述你与他人--或另一个人--分享的事情 what you shared when you shared it who you shared it with and explain why you shared it and how you felt when you shared it 2024-01-28 PART3: PART2:1 Describe something that you...
Describe something that you shared with others (or another person)描述你与他人(或另一个人)分享的东西 what you shared when you shared it who you shared it with and explain why you shared it and how you felt when you shared it. 2024-07-11 PART3: PART2:1 Describe something that you ...
describe something you shared with others素材 音频列表 1 雅思口语素材:smoking_in_car 1.6万 2015-01 2 雅思口语素材:sleep 1.9万 2015-01 3 雅思口语素材:pollution 1.9万 2015-01 4 雅思口语素材:punctuality, time 1.9万 2015-01 5 雅思口语素材:travel ...
Talking things through with someone who is completely unbiased is a wonderful experience. Even when you think you have nothing to talk about, they are good at getting you started. Unfortunately, there was a limited time frame, and I felt those feelings creeping back. I finally went to my do...
欢迎收听雅思口语新周刊 English Podcast的英语类最新章节声音“Part2 Describe something you have shared with others(减肥经验)”。
Describe something that you have shared with others (or another person). ? What you shared ? When you shared it ? Who you shared it with ? And explain why you shared it or how you felt when you shared it. 回答示例 ? We all need to share many things in our day to day life. ?
摘要:2016年5月雅思口语part2新题:Describe a time you share something with others。说到分享,这个应该是人人有话可将的话题了吧。从小时候分享好吃的,分享好玩的,到后来分享经历,分享观点,分享故事,分享一切喜怒哀乐。所以,这才是我眼中很棒的雅思口语话题。
雅思口语part2 topic:Describe a time when you share something with others You should say: What you shared When you shared it Who you shared it with And explain why you shared it or how you felt when you shared it. 话题解读: 乍一看,这道题目很容易引导人往实际的东西上靠,想起小时候有好吃...
Describe a time when you shared something with others. You should say: What you shared Who you shared it with Why you shared it And explain how you felt about sharing it There are lots of times I’v…