AlbServerGroupId string ALB 服务器组的 ID。 sgp-ddwb0y0g6y9bjm*** Weight integer 弹性伸缩将 ECS 实例添加到 ALB 服务器组后,ECS 实例作为后端服务器的权重。 100 Port integer 弹性伸缩将 ECS 实例添加到 ALB 服务器组后,ECS 实例使用的端口号。 80 ServerGroups array 负载均衡服务器组的相关信息集合...
├─ ipstringThe IP address of the server where the reverse incremental synchronization component resides. ├─ identitystringThe task ID. ├─ subtopicsstringThe name of the message queue subtopic. ├─ statusstringThe status of the reverse incremental synchronization component. ...
The collection of requested game server instances. Type: Array of GameServerInstance objects NextToken A token that indicates where to resume retrieving results on the next call to this operation. If no token is returned, these results represent the end of the list. Type: String Length Constrai...
RegisterGameServer RequestUploadCredentials ResolveAlias ResumeGameServerGroup SearchGameSessions StartFleetActions StartGameSessionPlacement StartMatchBackfill StartMatchmaking StopFleetActions StopGameSessionPlacement StopMatchmaking SuspendGameServerGroup TagResource TerminateGameSession UntagResource UpdateAlias UpdateBui...
ResumeProcesses AttachDBInstances AttachVServerGroups DetachVServerGroups AttachAlbServerGroups DetachAlbServerGroups AttachServerGroups DetachServerGroups ChangeResourceGroup ApplyScalingGroup DescribeElasticStrength Scaling configurations Scaling rule Trigger task Scheduled tasks Alarm tasks Instance refresh Lifecycle...
You can use Azure Arc-enabled servers to manage server-based resources that run outside of Azure. A Windows Server or Linux server that's running in Contoso's on-premises datacenter can be registered with Azure Arc and managed alongside native Azure resources. Contoso can also apply this...
proxy 运行一个 proxy 到 Kubernetes API server cp 复制 files 和 directories 到 containers 和从容器中复制 files 和 directories. auth Inspect authorization 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
ResumeInstanceRefresh DescribeRefreshActivities CancelInstanceRefresh Other APIs DescribeAccountLimits Data Types Error Codes Batch Compute History Introduction API Category Compute Environment APIs CreateComputeEnv DeleteComputeEnv ModifyComputeEnv DescribeComputeEnv DescribeComputeEnvs DescribeComputeEnvCreateInfos Ter...
Video on Demand Media Processing Service Mobile Live Video Broadcasting StreamLive StreamPackage StreamLink Game Multimedia Engine Game Server Elastic-scaling Game Player Matchmaking Cloud Access Management CloudAudit Tencent Cloud Organization Basic Cloud Monitor ...
grant all on tables to user WITH GRANT OPTION 34.程序包特权GRANT EXECUTE ON PACKAGE PACKAGE-name TO PUBLIC 35.模式特权GRANT CREATEIN ON SCHEMA SCHEMA-name TO USER 36.数据库特权grant connect,createtab,dbadm on database to user 37.索引特权grant control on index index-name to user ...