Set of Real Numbers: The set of real numbers is the combination of rational and irrational numbers. The entire number line from±∞represents the set of all real numbers. Using Math in the Real-World: The goal of math education is to be able to apply theoretical studies and skills to s...
IfD>0, then the roots are real and distinct. IfD=0, the equation has only one real root. IfD<0, then the roots are imaginary. Answer and Explanation:1 The given quadratic equation; 4x2−3x+2=0 Compare the above equation with the standard quadratic(ax2+bx+c=0)... ...
However, instead of considering that the person holding these beliefs is irrational and self-contradictory, it is possible to consider that one of the beliefs ("dead spirits are watching the liv- ing") is a semi-propositional belief: it reflects the belief that this is the right belief to ...
f(x)= x x∈有理数 -x x∉有理数 描述该函数何处连续。答:该函数在x≠0不连续,因为...
Let make a sketch of F(x)=\begin{cases} x^{2} -x& \text{ if } x is a rational number\\0 & \text{ if } x is irrational number \end{cases}Make a sketch of F(x) Evaluate lim_{x\rightarrow 0}F(x). Fill in the blanks to comple...