Describe the instincts the boys are using throughout Chapter 7 of Lord of the Flies. How does this tie into the theme of savagery versus civilization? Analyze the book No Man is an Island by John Donne. How did war influence Of Mice and Men? Describe the poor treatment of...
Describe the instincts the boys are using throughout Chapter 7 of Lord of the Flies. How does this tie into the theme of savagery versus civilization? How is the theme that a just society has obligations to an individual seen in A Thousand Splendid Suns? What is the theme of the short...
Describe Ralph's flashback in Lord of the Flies. How does it contrast to life on the island? How has his outlook changed? What are three quotes that describe how darkness changes throughout Lord of the Flies? How does Steinbeck describe the ocean floor in The Pearl? What is Dante Alighie...
Martin's personality in James Thurber's 'The Catbird Seat'? How does "War is Kind" fit the definition of naturalism? How did Sherman Alexie overcome obstacles? How does Thoreau first describe his house in Walden? Describe Ralph's flashback in Lord of the Flies. How does it...
Describe the characters in Gabriel Garcia Marquez's Living to Tell the Tale. Describe the main character in To Build a Fire by Jack London. How does Elie describe the barracks in Night? Describe the major characters of Lord of the Flies: Ralph, Piggy, and Jack How does the narrator descri...
Describe the major characters of Lord of the Flies: Ralph, Piggy, and Jack What were some traits that Agatha Christie had? What is a characteristic about Peter that attracts Anne in The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank? What are some character traits for both Victo...
InA Separate Peace, Finny and Gene are very different in their personalities and abilities. These differences do not prevent a friendship but do eventually lead to the path downward when misunderstandings and jealousy lead indirectly to Finny's end. ...