有关经济/钱:theeconomyisgettingbetter/worse; XXisgettingricher/poorer 有关人口和年龄:theremightbeanageingpo pulation. (二)没有时间因素旳数据图: 第一句话[TITLE]: Thisgraphshowsthe[Title]in[地点]from[时间1] to[时间2]. Thisisa[bargraph/linechart/piechart/ table],whichgivesinformationabou t[...
Describe the term "The New Economy". Discuss the implications of "Tipping Point" to industries in the new economy. What is a brief summary of social justice? How do you write a summary of a story? Describe the origins of geography What Was the Reason That Britain Decolonized a...
to indicate how well prepared students in a country/economy are for learning once they leave school; to identify areas for improvement over time by schools, education systems, and governments; and to allow a comparison of student performance and the learning environment between different countries. ...
• 有关经济/钱: the economy is getting better / worse; XX is getting richer / poorer • 有关人口和年龄: there might be an ageing population. (二)没有时间因素的数据图: 第一句话 [TITLE]: • This graph shows the [Title] in [地点] from [时间 1] to [时间 2]. • This is ...
有关经济/钱: the economy is getting better / worse; XX is getting richer / poorer 有关人口和年龄: there might be an ageing population. (二)没有时间因素的数据图: 第一句话 [TITLE]: This graph shows the [Title] in [地点] from [时间1] to [时间2]. ...
有关经济/钱:theeconomyisgettingbetter/worse;XXisgettingricher/poorer 有关人口和年龄:theremightbeanageingpopulation. (二)没有时间因素的数据图: 第一句话[TITLE]: Thisgraphshowsthe[Title]in[ 地点]from[ 时间 1]to[时间 2]. Thisisa [bargraph/linechart/piechart/table], ...