Filter 名称类型是否必需默认值描述 nameStringTrue过滤条件的名称 operatorStringFalse过滤条件的操作符,默认eq valuesString[ ]True过滤条件的值 返回参数 名称类型描述 resultResult返回结果 requestIdString请求ID Result 名称类型描述 networkInterfacesNetworkInterface[ ]networkInterface资源信息列表 ...
POST/ HTTP/ Content-Type:application/json X-TC-Action:DescribeNetworkInterfaces <Common request parameters> {"Filters": [ {"Values": ["TEST"],"Name":"tag:Version"} ] } Output Example {"Response": {"NetworkInterfaceSet": [ {"VpcId":"vpc-709l0i0x",...
ActionString是DescribeNetworkInterfaces要执行的操作。取值:DescribeNetworkInterfaces。 VersionString是2020-04-01API版本信息,取值为:2020-04-01。 NetworkInterfaceNameString否eni-1网卡的名称。 NetworkInterfaceIds.N String 否 NetworkInterfaceIds.1=eni-bp1fg6nh***&NetworkInterfaceIds.2=eni-5nh68xyz9*** 网卡...
This example uses a filter to describe only network interfaces that are in Availability Zone us-east-2a.Sample Request &Filter.1.Name=availability-zone &Filter.1.Value.1=us-east-2a &AUTHPARAMS... - The Amazon Web Services account ID. - The Amazon Web Services service. network-interface-permission.permission - The type of permission (INSTANCE-ATTACH | EIP-ASSOCIATE ). (structure) A filter name and value pair...
Filters.NNoArray ofFilterFilter condition.NetworkAclIdsandFilterscannot be specified at the same time. vpc-id - String - (Filter condition) VPC instance ID, such as vpc-12345678. network-acl-id - String - (Filter condition) Network ACL instance ID, such as acl-12345678. ...
A network interface to filter network traffic on just that interface. A subnet to filter traffic on all connected network interfaces in the subnet. You can also assign NSGs to both network interfaces and subnets. Then, each NSG is evaluated independently. ...
NETWORKACL:表示资源类型为网络 ACL 实例。 TRAFFICMIRRORFILTER:表示资源类型为流量镜像筛选条件实例。 TRAFFICMIRRORSESSION:表示资源类型为流量镜像会话实例。 FLOWLOG:表示资源类型为流日志实例。 HAVIP:表示资源类型为高可用虚拟 IP 实例。 DHCPOPTIONSSET:表示资源类型为 DHCP 选项集实例。 GATEWAYENDPOINT:表示资源类型...
Filter.1.Key string No The filter key used to query resources. Set the value to CreationStartTime, which specifies the time when the system started to create the resource. CreationStartTime Filter.2.Key string No The filter key used to query resources. Set the value to CreationEndTime, whi...
Network security groups (NSGs) let you filter network traffic to and from Azure resources in an Azure virtual network; for example, a virtual machine. An NSG consists of rules that define how the traffic is filtered. You can associate only one network security group to ...