Marxism regards the social, political, and economic theory that regards history evolving. Marx claimed to have discovered a “progressive pattern controlling human evolution'', which would eventually have society reach a point in the future where it would be a communist classless society. Marx said...
What are the problems with Marx's argument and economic theory in Das Kapital? What does neoclassical economic theory argue? What are the most fundamental concepts in economics? Explain. What are some of the larger issues that microeconomics attempts to address? How is this diff...
Explain the main elements of the institutionalist theory of class. Choose one of the three main class theories discussed in class, Marx, Weber and Durkheim, and compare it to Institutionalist class th Describe the relationship between cohesiveness and productivity. What wi...
Compare and contrast Marx's and Durkheim's understanding of (a) the division of labor, and (b) its implications for the structure of, and quality of life in, contemporary society. Use specific examples in your discussion that will help to illustrate the t ...