AWS DMS 基础知识 操作 CreateReplicationTask Amazon DocumentDB 无服务器示例 通过Amazon DocumentDB 触发器调用 Lambda 函数 DynamoDB 基础知识 开始使用 DynamoDB 了解基础知识 操作 BatchExecuteStatement BatchGetItem BatchWriteItem CreateTable DeleteItem DeleteTable DescribeTable DescribeTimeToLive...
无服务器示例 通过Kinesis 触发器调用 Lambda 函数 通过Kinesis 触发器报告 Lambda 函数批处理项目失败 AWS KMS 基础知识 你好AWS KMS 了解基础知识 操作 CreateAlias CreateGrant CreateKey Decrypt DeleteAlias DescribeKey DisableKey EnableKey EnableKeyRotation Encrypt GenerateDataKey GenerateDataKeyWithoutPlaintext ...
当我运行RDS cli工具时,我得到了以下错误:rds-describe-db-snapshots: Malformed input-Thecontent of the file:这是我在ELB工具中使用的关键,也是EC2_PRIVATE_KEY的值。我可以运行ec2-describe-instances并立即获得结果,就像往常一样。 浏览10提问于2014-03-20得票数 0 回答已采纳 2回答 在boto3中,在哪里放置...
我需要测试这个功能: import dependency from 'dependency'; export default values => (dispatch) => { dispatch(dependency(values)); // More code }; 我得到了一个测试,它断言dispatch称为dependency import functionToTest from 'function-to-test'; jest.mock('dependency', () => () => 'de ...
AWS::Lambda::Function RenderedPromotionReade - rFunction UPDATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::Lambda::Function PromotionSubscriptionH - andler UPDATE_COMPLETE AWS::Lambda::Function RenderedPromotionReade - rFunction UPDATE_COMPLETE AWS::Lambda::Function PromotionSubscriptionH - andler CREATE_IN_PROGRESS AWS::...
Running the boto function through a lambda function works, so I'd hazard a guess it's still something to do with my machine's time settings. Regardless, the boto function should be able to handle different time zones. On my same windows machine I can use the AWS CLI without any issues...
The Lambda function called during each turn of a conversation with the intent. enabled -> (boolean) Enables the dialog code hook so that it processes user requests. fulfillmentCodeHook -> (structure) The Lambda function called when the intent is complete and ready for fulfillment. enabled -> ...
lambda -> (structure) Contains information about the configuration of the lambda which is being registered as the connector. lambdaArn -> (string) Lambda ARN of the connector being registered. logoURL -> (string) Logo URL of the connector. ...
aws:lambda:us-west-2:123456789012:function:MyTestRotationLambda", "RotationRules": { "AutomaticallyAfterDays": 2, "Duration": "2h", "ScheduleExpression": "cron(0 16 1,15 * ? *)" }, "LastRotatedDate": 1525747253.72, "LastChangedDate": 1523477145.729, "LastAccessedDate": 1524572133.25, "...
AWS DMS 基础知识 操作 CreateReplicationTask Amazon DocumentDB 无服务器示例 通过Amazon DocumentDB 触发器调用 Lambda 函数 DynamoDB 基础知识 开始使用 DynamoDB 了解基础知识 操作 BatchExecuteStatement BatchGetItem BatchWriteItem CreateTable DeleteItem DeleteTable DescribeTable DescribeTimeToLive Exec...