4. Words cannot describe the beauty of the scene. 语言难以描述那景色之美丽。 5. It is easy to describe a circle if you have a pair of compasses. 如果有圆规,很容易画一个圆。 describe 情景对话 求职面试 B:What is your strongest trait?
Synonym Antonym Related </>embed</> delineate mark out sketch outline draw trace trace sketch dub define brand paint call characterize portray put in words give an accou... set forth narrate impart recite recount relate describe Want to thank TFD for its existence?Tell a friend about us, add...
Depictis a synonym ofdescribe. In obsolete terms the difference between describe and depict is thatdescribeis to distribute into parts, groups, or classes; to mark off; to class whiledepictis depicted. As verbs the difference betweendescribeanddepict ...
The infrastucture layer serves as the ()for building the platform layer of the cloud. In turn, the platform layer is foundation for implementing the ()layer for SaaS apppcation. A.replacement B.switch C.substitute D.synonym(同义词) 免费查看参考答案及解析 题目: [选择题] 65 ...
The infrastructure layer serves as the( )for building the platform layer of the cloud. In turn, the platform layer is a foundation for implementing the( )layer for SaaS applications. A. connected B. imlemented C. optimized D. Virtualized E. replacement F. switch G. substitute . synonym(...
Before you go leaf-peeping and apple-picking this autumn, here are some terms to describe the colors you'll see on the way. From 'maroon' to 'feuille morte,' there's a story behind every color.
The old thesaurus file is still active. Type: String Valid Values: CREATING | ACTIVE | DELETING | UPDATING | ACTIVE_BUT_UPDATE_FAILED | FAILED SynonymRuleCount The number of synonym rules in the thesaurus file. Type: Long TermCount The number of unique terms in the thesaurus file. ...
Example B:He plonked his bag on the table and made a cup of tea. Chitchat(informal nounorinformal verb) As a noun, it describes a conversation about things that aren't very important, such as gossip, the weather, or anything else that doesn't matter that much. A synonym would besmall...
This is a synonym for --candidates=0. --debug Verbosely display information about the searching strategy being employed to standard error. The tag name will still be printed to standard out. --long Always output the long format (the tag, the number of commits and the abbreviated commit ...
Only output exact matches (a tag directly references the supplied commit). This is a synonym for --candidates=0. --debug Verbosely display information about the searching strategy being employed to standard error. The tag name will still be printed to standard out. ...