Describe Image介绍 Describe Image属于较难题型,需要你对一张图表或者一个流程图、地图进行描述,答题时间40秒钟。和雅思A类小作文的题目非常类似。此题目分为三部分打分,包括PRONUNCIATION、ORAL FLUENCY和CONTENT。这道题中,只要你的发音没有太大问题,你可以把全部重点放在流利度上。也就是说,你需要“一直不停的说...
图片/照片:Picture/photo; 基本混合题型:极值+极值;极值+趋势; 复杂混合题型:极值+地图;趋势+地图;地图+地图; Ø 评分细则 从评分细则中可以看出,内容分,发音,流利度度三项评分分值各占三分之一。对于内容分,3分以上的标准均出现了几组关键词:key elements; relations; conclusion or implications,这也是提高自...
:to represent or give an account of in words 2 :to trace the outline of describea circle describable -ˈskrī-bə-bəl adjective describernoun More from Merriam-Webster ondescribe Nglish:Translation ofdescribefor Spanish Speakers
参考示范 This picture indicates the life cycle of a silkworm with five stages. Approximately ten days after coming out of the egg, it becomes a silkworm larva feeding on mulberry leaf. Then it takes four to six weeks for the larva to get silk thread surrounding itself with a part of its ...
vt. 描写,叙述say what sth is like; give a picture of in words vt. 画出(图形等)draw (especially a geometrical figure) 英英释义 describe v. give a description of 同义词:depictdraw to give an account or representation of in words
Three pages I used last year to show pupils the most common expressions/verb tenses when describing pictures.Then they received different pictures to describe to their classmates, who would later see the picture and say if it was the expected image.Level...
describe, represent, sketch, picture 这些动词均有"描写,描述"之意。 describe: 侧重指描述细节,给读者或听众提供清晰的视觉图像。 represent: 指有代表性或象征性地描述或讲述。 sketch: 指快速地勾勒或概略地叙述。 picture: 着重能够栩栩如生地把事物或场景等描绘出来。
6How would you describe an image to a friend? While describing an image to a friend or anyone else, I would explain the features and scene presented in the image or photograph. It will help them visualize it. For example, I would say – I just stumbled upon this amazing picture I want...
Firstlyintroduce the graph type/picture or the Image type. Paraphrase the topic of the graph. Secondlyexplain about the horizontal & vertical axis or the parts of the graph or the contents of the picture or the product or life cycle. Thirdlyclarify about the most striking feature of the graph...
参加PTE考试已经成为了中国学生申请出国留学的重要途径,但是测试中的口语方面考试通常是大家为头痛的,那么本文就为大家讲解PTE口语Describe Image常见表达。 表示“比较” 01)倍数+as+形容词(+名词+动词)as 02)more than +倍数+ as +形容词+ as...