Describe the structure of DNA and the steps of protein synthesis. What is CRISPR? Describe the steps of how it is used by researchers to repair or alter the DNA of any organism. Explain in simple terms the process of DNA replication. ...
Explain how protein synthesis, mutation, and meiosis are fundamental to the process of evolution. Describe three ways variation can be introduced into offspring produced by sexual reproduction. Explain how microevolution can lead to macroevolution. (Provide a hypothetical example t...
The enzymes involved is such synthesis include the ALG (asparagine-linked N-glycosylation) enzymes and additional proteins (part of OSTA and OSTB) involved in the transfer of the glycan to the nascent protein. 5) Complex N-glycans: This pathway includes glycogenes responsible for processing the ...
Biology3.3- DescribetheroleofDNAin relationtogeneexpression DrHayleyRidgway MsDalinDore Thingstoknow •TheroleofDNAincludesDNAstructureandreplication,thecontrolofgene expression,proteinsynthesis,andthedeterminationofphenotype. •ThestructureofDNAincludesthemolecularcomponentsandtheirrolein carryingthegeneticcode....
Describe how interference in protein synthesis can result in disruption of cellular and bodily processes. How do animals use protein? Most proteins are phosphorylated. Explain how protein phosphorylation occurs in detail. What is the purpose of protein phosphorylation? How do proteins b...
Identify the flow of genetic information during protein synthesis in a eukaryotic Cell. A. Transcription produces an mRNA molecule in the nucleus. The mRNA moves to the cytoplasm where translation occurs. B. DNA makes a copy of itself whi...
How can DNA be transcribed to RNA? Describe the role of mRNA in protein synthesis. Describe the steps of making an mRNA from a pre-mRNA. Describe how RNA and DNA are used in mitosis. Describe the structure and function of RNA molecules involved in gene expression. ...
Explain how protein purification occurs via differential and rate zonal centrifugation. List six factors that affect the rate of osmosis. What causes fluctuations in the stable equilibrium phases in a logistic growth curve? Describe the difference between extrinsic limiting factors and intrinsic...
Explain the roles of transcription and translation in converting the DNA message to a protein. What is the process that turns on the transcription of a gene or genes? Briefly explain the process of DNA replication. What kind of RNA is made when transcription occurs?Explore...
What occurs during the stage of protein synthesis called translation? What is the role of messenger RNA in translation? How do mRNA and tRNA work together during protein synthesis? Where is transfer RNA produced? As RNA is single-stranded, what is meant when RNA base pairing is discussed?