Analyze the different participants in food chains.Food chains Without the producers, the consumers would not be able to obtain their food. Without the consumers, the decomposers would not be able to return the nutrients to the ecosystem. Without the decomposers, the producers would not have the ...
Six different species of fungi (Aspergillus flavus,Sclerotinia sclerotiorum,Rhynchosporium orthosporum,Aspergillus japonicus;Penicillium sp. ShG4CandAscosphaera apis;Supplementary TableS2), classified as pathogens for either honey bees or for plants or humans, were detected.Penicilliumspecies might play als...
Pathogens had the highest absolute abundance in their genus; the pathogens ranked among the top 10 included bacteria, viruses, and parasites, and those ranked among the top 20 included fungi and Mycobacterium tuberculosis in relative abundance. After the prior analysis, if the detected pathogens ...