As with all passion, seduction is the key to getting customers to buy from you. Knowing what they like and how they like to spend their time brings you one step closer into luring them into your, ahem, CRM. All of this becomes anonymized in the process, so don’t worry about exposing...
每吨售价3100元。另外,该厂生产一种新的粮食白酒,广告样品使用0.3吨,已知该种白酒无同类产品出厂价,生产成本每吨22000元,成本利润率为10%;啤酒采用定额税率,税额每吨分别为220元(出厂价在3000元以下的), 250元(出厂价在3000元以上的)。该厂当月应缴纳的、1肖费税为( )。