We've come to see inclusive design as a set of perspectives and practices that champion human diversity. Take a moment to consider how you've benefited from solutions that were originally designed for someone with different abilities. Take note of your own permanent, temporary, or situational ...
Connecting Turbulence and Meandering Parameterization to Describe Passive Scalars Dispersion in Low Wind Speed Conditionsdoi:10.1155/2013/738024Virnei MoreiraGervasio DegraziaAndrea TimmSilvana MaldanerHindawi
a task. Cognition involves attention, awareness, focus, memory, judgment, processing (speed), processing (comprehension), problem solving, and reasoning. A person's cognition can affect the way they learn, whether it's learning how to use a new device or learning new information in a ...
This new turbulence parameterization for a stable shear forcing planetary boundary layer, united with a meandering mean time scale is able to describe contaminant meandering enhanced spread in a low wind speed stable planetary boundary layer.doi:10.1155/2013/738024V. S. Moreira...
We've come to see inclusive design as a set of perspectives and practices that champion human diversity. Take a moment to consider how you've benefited from solutions that were originally designed for someone with different abilities. Take note of your own permanent, temporary, or situational ...