"ProtocolType": "mongodb", "DBInstanceDescription": "Test database\n", "CurrentKernelVersion": "5.0.5-20220721143518_0", "DBInstanceReleaseProtection": false, "ExpireTime": "2022-02-05T16:00Z", "MaintainStartTime": "18:00Z", "DBInstanceType": "replicate", "LastDowngradeTime": "2022...
VolumeProtocol string 网络共享存储协议。可能值: nfs smb nfs Description string 集群描述。 cluster VolumeId string 阿里云 NAS 实例 ID。目前不支持自动创建阿里云 NAS 实例。 008b64*** HaEnable boolean 是否开启高可用。 说明 若开启高可用,则集群中的每种管控角色将会使用主备 2 台实例。 false BaseOsTag...
Protocol string 协议类型。 TCP PreviousState object 上一次状态。 DetailStatus string 状态详情。 working ExitCode long 容器运行退出码。 0 FinishTime string 容器运行结束时间。 2018-08-02T15:00:00Z Message string 容器状态信息。 Back-off 5m0s restarting failed container=test pod=test_eci-xxx(xxx)...
"StorageConnectors": [{"ConnectorType": "string", "Status": "string" } ], "StreamingExperiencePreferredProtocol": "string", "UserSettings": [{"Action": "string", "MaximumLength":number, "Permission": "string" } ] }, "SubnetIds": [ "string" ], "Tenancy": "string", "UserIdentity...
Filter.N One or more filters. The possible values are: options.protocol - The tunnel protocol (gre). state - The state of the attachment (initiating | initiatingRequest | pendingAcceptance | rollingBack | pending | available | modifying | deleting | deleted | failed | rejected | rejecting ...
VolumeProtocol string 网络共享存储协议。可能值: nfs smb nfs Description string 集群描述。 cluster VolumeId string 阿里云 NAS 实例 ID。目前不支持自动创建阿里云 NAS 实例。 008b64*** HaEnable boolean 是否开启高可用。 说明 若开启高可用,则集群中的每种管控角色将会使用主备 2 台实例。 false BaseOsTag...
XQuery, which is the de facto query language for XML, provides a rich way of querying a WSBPEL document and retrieving information from the document—for example, finding all trading partners involved in a process and querying across partner management applications to locate Collaboration Protocol ...
image: golang:1.17-buster imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent tty: true env: - name: DOCKER_HOST valueFrom: fieldRef: fieldPath: status.hostIP - name: DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY value: "" - name: jnlp args: ["\$(JENKINS_SECRET)", "\$(JENKINS_NAME)"] ...
Quantum theory provides an extremely accurate description of fundamental processes in physics. It thus seems likely that the theory is applicable beyond the, mostly microscopic, domain in which it has been tested experimentally. Here, we propose a Gedank
Fred told of a time when “I didn't know where else to go or what to do.” A big issue for me when my two youngest kids were around the age of two to six. I was terribly afraid of them, I could not even sit on the couch with them, they are too active and would hurt me,...