This method takes the name of a schema object, such as emp, and returns a COM Automation object (OraMetaData).OraMetaDataprovides methods for dynamically navigating and accessing all the attributes (OraMDAttribute collection) of a schema object described. Example The following VB script illustrates ...
This method takes the name of a schema object, such asemp, and returns a COM Automation object (OraMetaData). TheOraMetaDataobject provides methods for dynamically navigating and accessing all the attributes (OraMDAttributecollection) of a schema object described. Examples Simple Describe Example The ...
Minimum, Average, and Maximum: the aggregation methods. [{\"timestamp\":1618368900000,\"Average\":95.8291666666667,\"Minimum\":65.48,\"Maximum\":100.0},{\"timestamp\":1618368960000,\"Average\":95.8683333333333,\"Minimum\":67.84,\"Maximum\":100.0}] Period string The statistical period of the...
Cloud Object Storage Cloud File Storage Cloud Block Storage Cloud HDFS Cloud Log Service Cloud Infinite TencentDB for MySQL TencentDB for MariaDB TencentDB for PostgreSQL TencentDB for SQL Server TDSQL for MySQL Cloud Native Database TDSQL-C ...
The statistical methods for Critical-level alerts. Average NoDataPolicy string The method that is used to handle alerts when no monitoring data is found. Valid values: KEEP_LAST_STATE (default value): No operation is performed. INSUFFICIENT_DATA: An alert whose content is "Insufficient data" is...
DescribeGeofenceCollectionResultwithUpdateTime(DateupdateTime) The timestamp for when the geofence collection was last updated inISO 8601format:YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss.sssZ Methods inherited from class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceResult getSdkHttpMetadata,getSdkResponseMetadata,setSdk...
DescribeDataRepositoryAssociationsRequest withNextToken(String nextToken) Methods inherited from class com.amazonaws.AmazonWebServiceRequest addHandlerContext, getCloneRoot, getCloneSource, getCustomQueryParameters, getCustomRequestHeaders, getGeneralProgressListener, getHandlerContext, getReadL...
$http.get('/my/other/url') .then(function (response) { // expect // response.status = 202 // = 42 done(); }); deps.http.flush(); }); } });All standard methods should be supported (get, head, post, put, delete, jsonp and patch)....
Data Types Error Codes Edge Computing Machine API Category Making API Requests Request Structure Common Params Signature Responses Signature v3 History VPC APIs ModifyVpcAttribute DescribeVpcs DeleteVpc CreateVpc Subnet APIs ModifySubnetAttribute ModifyDefaultSubnet DescribeSubnets DescribeDefaultSubnet DeleteSubne...
A pair of methods comprising a getter and setter can also be mapped to a field in the database. These should be annotated with @AerospikeGetter and @AerospikeSetter respectively and the name attribute of these annotations must be provided. The getter must take no arguments and return something...