Describe a time when you helped someone Describe an occasion when there was a lot of noise Describe an unusual holiday/vacation you had Describe an occasion when you used a map Describe a travel you were looking forward to but was...
describe a travel you were looking forward to but was delayed. describe a time you were very busy. describe a time you bought something from a street market. describe an occasion when you had to do something in a hurry. describe an occasion when ...
Describe a time you were very busy You should say When it happened Where you were What you did And explain why you were busy 参考答案 下面给老烤鸭小编根据具体的题目要求,给出的原创参考答案: 请北京新航道,上海新航道,沈阳新航道,小站雅思,阿卡索外教网,百利天下留学以及智课网等机构不要再次抄袭本站...
Part3 Do Chinese people like to take photos of themselves?(女孩子/不专心/潮流) 6145 2016-09 2 Part2 Describe a time you were very busy(考试/兼职/决定) 6682 2016-09 3 Part3 What kind of lifestyle is suitable to people in modern society?(淡泊名利) ...
Part3 Why do some people like playing sports so much?(工作压力/生活/释放) 637703:25 Part2 Describe a time you were very busy(工作/学习/奋斗) 673704:05 Part3 Do people like the fast pace of modern life?(机会/锻炼/健康问题) 666804:25 Part3 What is the best way to deal with pressure...
11.Describe a time you were very busy. (忙碌时刻) 12.Describe a time you bought something from a street or outdoor market. (街市购物) 13.Describe an unusual holiday/vacation you had. (特别假期) 14.Describe a time when you helped someone. (助人经历) ...
Describe a time when you were very busy. You should say: when this time is what you do at this time how you arrange your time and explain how you feel during this busy time sample answer: We all get busy in times of exam, sickness of a family member, for completing assignment, to ...
1-4月雅思口语Part2话题高分范文:atimewhenyouwereverybusy 雅思口语是雅思考试中比较难得分的部分,很多雅思考生在口语上都很头疼,怎么都拿不到高分,所以大家掌握一些雅思口语的答题模板是非常重要的,下面就为大家推荐1-4月雅思口语Part2话题高分范文:a time when you were very busy,大家可以参考 1-4月雅思口语Pa...
Describe a time when you are verybusy You should say When it was What you had to do during that time How you managed it Andexplain how you felt about being busy One such busy time I really remember was the time when I had the deadline to submitmy thesis paper which is the ultima...
每期节目控制在3分钟左右,碎片化学习 每周更新一期 本期节目话题背景 最近,有同学问了这样一道题“Describe a time when you were very busy”。说到这个话题,我至今仍然想为大四的自己竖一个大拇指!因为那年的我几乎是快要忙到起飞了!又是忙于学业,又要参加课外活动,还要搞人际关系!所以每当我再遇到刚入大学的...