雅思口语P2 Describe a time you solved a problem through the internet 98572019-05 3 雅思口语P2 Describe a piece of good news you heard(from TV or Internet) 98592019-05 4 雅思口语P2 Describe a time you received a call from somebody you don’t know 1万2019-05 5 雅思口语P2 Describe an ad...
所属专辑:雅思口语新周刊 English Podcast 声音简介 Take my usual medicine 感冒药 I turned on my laptop and started searching for a solution 开电脑找办法 A very effective cure was provided 提供办法 For an extra fee 额外费用 更多文本/关注每日朋友圈更新 ...
Describe a time that a piece of equipment was broken ( such as TV) Describe an important plant in your country Describe a piece of clothing you enjoy wearing 事件类: Describe a time you solved a problem through the internet Describe a time you received horrible service Describe a time that ...
雅思口语P2 Describe a time when you first talked in a foreign language(新) 雅思口语家森Jason7324 雅思口语8分示范:a time when you helped sb 彭百万雅思口语1.02万 雅思口语P2 Describe a time you solved a problem through Internet 雅思口语家森Jason4993 ...
You should say: When it happened Where it happened What the problem was and explain how you solved the problem at last. https://ieltspracticeonline.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/Describe-a-time-when-you-had-a-problem-with-using-the-computer.mp3<audio controls src="https://ieltspracticeonl...
1. Are problems good or bad to a person? 2. Why can’t most people act smartly amidst problems? 3. How should one handle a problem? 雅思口语Part2 Part2 DEMO 1 We encounter so many problems in our everyday activities, which need only a spark of an idea to tackle with them. But...
My tutor noticed my anxiety and asked whether I had a copy in my USB, I said no, then he told me it was my own problem, and he hoped I could to hand in the essay on time.That day I tried my best to re-write me essay with others’ computer and did hand in on time. Later ...
雅思口语家森Jason7324 雅思口语describe a time u used imagination 彭百万雅思口语2.36万 雅思口语P2 Describe a time you borrowed something from your friends or family 雅思口语家森Jason7821 雅思口语P2 Describe a time you solved a problem through Internet 雅思口语家森Jason4993 ...
Describe a problem that you solved using employee involvement. 答案 ahh i will show you one case and ensure you can fully undersatnd me:) You are the captain of a 200-foot Coast Guard cutter,with a crew of 16,including officer.Your mission is general at-sea search and rescue.At 2:00...
雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way 机智解决问题的人 思路点拨:以下思路仅供参考,希望大家根据自己的真实经历编写答案 这道题解题的关键在于对smart的理解。我们在选择素材的时候最好能寻找一些突破常规,有所创新的例子。例如,马云的支付宝解决了买卖双方互不信任的问题;通...