Boston College students describe life with eating disordersJean Vrola
it is a commonly shared convention that social traditions are considered as the characteristics of a nation(社会传统被认为是一个国家的特征,这是一种普遍的习俗),the heritage of those characteristics would largely ensure a country’s cultural diversity(这些特点的遗产将在很大程度上确保一个国家的文化多样...
L. WistingOslo University Hospital,Oslo,NorwayF. SnoekAmsterdam Public Health research Institute, Amsterdam University Medical Centers,Amsterdam,The NetherlandsDiabetic Medicine
Indeed, eating disorders deserve our full attention, given the evidence that they are two to three times more common among individuals with Type 1 diabetes compared with the general population [5], and subthreshold disturbed eating behaviours are reported in up 60% of females with Type 1 ...
doi:10.1111/dme.14108L. WistingF. SnoekWiley-Blackwell