我想说的这个地方我超级熟悉 The public park or garden that I like to talk about is quite familiar to me很多人开始不知道这个地方 At the beginning, not a lot of people got to know such a special place because it was right located in the city center真事儿 But it happened for real消除疲劳...
Park作为一个public facility,真是方便了考生啊,这个季度的口语题目里好多跟facility相关的话题,比如describe a leisure facility (such as cinema, theatre, sports center) you would like to have in your city、describe a park/garden you visited when you were little、describe a public place/facility that...
雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a public park or garden描述一个公共公园或者花园 思路点拨:以下思路仅供参考,希望大家能够根据自己的实际经历撰写答案 该题目较为简单,只有一个信息点:public park or garden。而且是日常生活中比较常见的事物,对各位考生来说应该不存在什么难度。唯一需要注意别写成自己家的花园,然后说...
雅思口语新周刊 English Podcast3月前 雅思口语新周刊 English Podcast 9392人订阅 订阅
雅思口语当季话题卡:Describe a public park or garden 描述一个公共公园或者花园 思路点拨:以下思路仅供参考,希望大家能够根据自己的实际经历撰写答案 该题目较为简单,只有一个信息点:public park or garden。而且是日常生活中比较常见的事物,对各位考生来说应该不存在什么难度。唯一需要注意别写成自己家的花园,然后说...
其实,老烤鸭雅思小编之前也写过一篇本雅思话题卡相似度极其高的part2题卡,建议大家可以前往学习→:Describe a public park or garden 描述一个公共公园或者花园 Part 3 追加问题 What are the benefits that a park can bring to a city? Should people help clean public gardens?
Part2 Describe a public park or garden 2017-10-10 14:44:5903:591.1万 所属专辑:雅思口语新周刊 English Podcast 声音简介 The city center 市中心 Seniors to young adults 老年人到年轻人 Students to white collars 学生党到白领 Figure out
Describe a garden / Park you remember visiting – where it is? what it looks like? what people do there? explain why you remember it? I remember visiting rock garden in Thailand last year, with my family. The garden was so big and unique that I still remember it. It is sculpture gard...
最近,有同学问了这样一道题“Describe a park or a garden in your city.”。说到这个话题,我可要好好跟你们聊聊我每周都会去打卡的绿天堂公园了。这个公园在我的城市可有名了!这儿不仅是我和我另一半每周约会的浪漫花园,更是承载了很多像我一样在周边长大的孩子的童年回忆!如果你有机会来到我的城市旅游,我...
Describe a park or a garden in your city Describe a place in your country that you are interested in Describe a beautiful city Describe a party that you enjoyed Describe an activity that made you feel tired Describe a bad service ...