不过,稍加留意之后我们就会发现,题干中的限定是different culture而非different country,因此自己身边不同民族的同学也完全可以作为描述对象。只要他们他们拥有不同的风俗习惯就好。这样一来题目就变得简单多了。 题目 Describe a person you know who is from a different culture You should say Who he/she is Wher...
Describe a person you know who is from a different culture There are two reasons why I think he is an interesting person. Firstly I think he might saw himself as Noah, but did he get instructions from God? And I want to say: Hey, modern Noah, don’t forget to take me on your ark...
Describe a person you know who is from a different culture 来自不同文化的人Grew up in somewhere 在...长大 Originally 本源的US America New Zealand 美国和新西兰 Put a smile of joy on face 总是很温暖 爱笑 very gentle and warmAttit, 视频播放量 481、弹幕量 0
5. Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic wastee.g. in a park, on the beach, etc.) 看到大量塑料垃圾的一段时间(例如在公园、海滩等) 6.Describe a person you know who is from a differentculture 个来自不同文化的人 7.Vescribe a home of someone you know well that youoften vis...
Culture shock is a term used to describe the anxiety produced when a person moves to an absolutely new environment. This term expresses the of direction, the feeling of not knowing what to do or how to do things in a new environment, and not knowing what is appropriate or inappropriate. ...
The central beliefs and customs of a group are handed down from one generation to another. It is for this reason that most people regard culture as learned rather than innate. People acquire a culture because they are not born with one. The process by which a person develops a taste for ...
每日即兴英文演讲 Talking to someone and talking with someone are two different activitie 04:15 每日即兴英文演讲 - Are social media friends a good indication of a person's actual 04:25 每日即兴英文演讲 Describe a sports person you admire 03:02 每日即兴英文演讲Describe a film character playe...
雅思口语part2话题卡:Describe a foreign country (culture) you want to know more about 想了解的国家/想要更多了解的外国文化 思路点拨:以下思路仅供参考,希望大家根据自己的真实经历编写答案 在回答这道题目的时候,大家一定要注意题干中
This cue card is pretty open, by which I mean it gives you a lot of scope for choosing a person. The most important things are: The person must be popular (i.e. they cannot be hated by the majority of people) They must be from your country or popular in your country ...
Culture shock is simply a common way to describe the confused and nervous feelings a person may have in a new and different culture. When you move to a new place, you have to face a lot of changes. That can be exciting, but it can also be difficult. You may feel sad and nervous....