In daily life, we often use the words "hot", "dry" or "open" to describe a place. Do you know what it is? It's the desert. Desert covers about 20 per cent of the Earth's land area. However, the number is becoming bigger because of human activities. And it has caused enviro...
3、 the water, Australia is a nice place to live in. 2、面积大小、面积大小 .常用表达:常用表达: X的面积的面积/大小是大小是: X has / covers an area of square kilometers/ meters; covering / with an area of square kilometers海岸线总长海岸线总长公里公里Its coastline has a total length ...
位置be located in 南方地区 southern part of my country 省份 province 城市 city 乡村 village温暖的 warm 炎热的 hot 梁爽的 cool 海风 cool sea breeze 被吸引 be fascinated by/with 长大的地方 where I grew up 价格优势 price advantage 找个满意工作然后定居 hunt a decent job then settle down ...
- Coffee is more like a beverage for younger children, and it can be both cold and hot brew, and you can adjust your sugar level, whereas tea is plainer and more boring - Drinking coffee is more like a trend, so, many young people choose to drink coffee. And café is good place to...
describe a place ---Describingaplace 常用表达法:(Usefulexpressions)1.所处位置:(Location)liein/on/to/,belocatedin,nextto,ontheleftof,inthecenterof,closeto/near,behind,infrontof,bythesideof,between,among…e.g.Thetemplestandsatthefootof/onthetopofthehill.2.周边环境:(Surroundings)•be...
Still, for IELTS you might be asked todescribe a crowded place you have visited. This is a cue card that may appear in part 2 of the speaking test. In today’s lesson, I am going to show you how to answer it fully and effectively. ...
”可知,与星体研究有关的表达是 Dog days of summer,故选A项。【小题2】词义猜测题。根据 Hotter than a two-dollar pistol标题下的内容可知,没有手枪会卖2美元,除非是偷来的。在英语俚语中,形容盗窃的赃物经常用到“hot”,这些偷来的东西就像是“烫手山芋”,窝赃者随时会被绳之以法。由此可知,此处的hot...
It is quite a hot place for vacations nowadays. Every year, thousands of Chinese go there to enjoy their holidays. This article is from Laokaoya website. Do not copy or repost it. I know this place from a friend. He and his family went there during the Spring festival last year and...
how to describe a place Howtodescribeaplace Stayhungry!Stayfoolish!地点写作表达句式总结:第三大国家:thethirdlargestcountry最…的国家之一:oneofthe…countries位于:liein,belocatedin…,besituatedin…由…组成:ismadeupof…,consistsof…从东到西覆盖…covers…fromeasttowest coversanareaof…人口是:hasa...
每日即兴英文演讲 - The world is smaller place these days. 04:11 每日英文即兴演讲 How has the education system evolved over the last decade 06:00 每日即兴英文演讲Describe a piece of technology you own that you feel is difficult 04:43 每日即兴英文演讲Describe a piece of technology you ow...