When I met him, I was walking my dog, a beautiful tame golden retriever, in a park near my home, and the father and his son, a little boy under 10, were playing football. At seeing my dog, the son was very excited. He literally rushed to it and tried to pet it. But the fathe...
My family had a golden retriever that was absolutely terrified of fireworks. My S/O and I were staying up late one 4th of July night, playing Bingo Battle from Pikmin 3. We were in the living room when he turned to me and asked, "Do you smell that?" We both t...
My family had a golden retriever that was absolutely terrified of fireworks. My S/O and I were staying up late one 4th of July night, playing Bingo Battle from Pikmin 3. We were in the living room when he turned to me and asked, "Do you smell that?" We both t...
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I didn't understand how his prior teachers were annoyed by him because he genuinely was a ray of sunshine and he made everyone a little happier by being in his presence. He was always smiling, always entertained by life--and it was contagious. Kind of like a human golden retriever. I ...
. I didn't understand how his prior teachers were annoyed by him because he genuinely was a ray of sunshine and he made everyone a little happier by being in his presence. He was always smiling, always entertained by life--and it was contagious. Kind of like a human golden retriever....