1.Describe someone (a famous person) that is a role model for young people. 2.Describe a person who thinks music is important and enjoys music. 3.Describe a person you know who is talented. 4.Describe a film character played by ...
1.Describe someone (a famous person) that is a role model for young people.年轻人的偶像 2.Describe an interesting old person.有趣的人 3.Describe a person you have met who you want to work/study with.想要一起学习工作的人 4.Descr...
2.Describe a person who contributes to the society 描述一个对社会有贡献的人 3.Describe a creative person whose work you admire. 描述一个有创造力的人并且你钦佩他的所作所为 4.Describe a businessperson who you admire. 描述一个你钦佩的商人 5.Describe a famous person that you are interested ...
2024年5月雅思口语新题part2&3:描述某人(名人)是年轻人的榜样 Describe someone (a famous person) that is a role model for young people You should say: Who he/she is How you knew him/her What he/she has done And explain why he/she can be a role model for young people 1. What kinds...
雅思口语题part3:描述一个你感兴趣的名人答案 Describe a famous person you are interested in. Part 3 1. Are there any other kinds of famous people in your country? There are all sorts of famous people. In recent years, famous people that hit the news are usually tech entrepreneurs.Tech is...
雅思口语人物类范文 第1篇 Describe a famous person (not from your country) You should say: who this person is (or was) how you know about this person what type of work he or she does and eXplain how he or she made an impression. Let me talk about Kristen Stewart, a pop icon in ...
雅思范文part2范文:Describe a famous person that you admire The famous person I'd like to describe is Fu Mingxia. She was a gold medallist at Sydney Olympic games. In fact, she won four of them. She won them in the diving competition. She's now a student at Tsinghua University. So sh...
好了,下面进入正题,今天我们要来看一下雅思口语第一部分part2的一组高频题Describe a famous person that you are interested in.这里我们Part1 就暂时先告一段落,后面part2 的题目我会分为两部分,第一部分会按照问题的拆分给大家提供一些tips,因为part2要讲大段的篇幅,句子结构多样性就很重要,大家要加强句式的...
雅思口语这一季又是复古题,再次出现describe a famous person that you are interested in!名人话题特别棒的一点就是,他们的身上全是闪光点,随便拿出来一位都是典型的励志故事,跟雅思考官都特别有话可聊,绝对不会冷场。就算你对他们的life story不熟悉,随便把别人的事迹按在他们身上也不会觉得牵强!下面就来看看迷倒...
【2017年5-8月口语】Describe a happy experience in your childhood 188301:56 【2017年5-8月口语】Describe a free gift you have received 192701:27 【2017年5-8月口语】Describe a famous person that you are interested in 225102:04 【2017年5-8月口语】Describe a family member who you are proud...