Watch complete video answer for “Describe the structure and function of endoplasmic reticulum” of Biology Class 11th. Get FREE solutions to all questions from chapter CELL FUNDAMENTAL UNIT OF LIFE.
Describe the structure, composition, and function of the endoplasmic reticulum. Describe the structure, composition, and functions of prokaryotic cell walls. (a) Describe the structure of the cell wall. (b) Describe its function. (a) Describe the structure of...
Explain the function of endoplasmic reticulum in a cell. Explain the functions of membrane proteins. Describe the structure and functions of the nucleus. Comment on the distinguishing features of the nuclear membrane. How does the structure of a cell suggest its function? What would 3 ...
A four-dimensional model containing free luminal calcium concentration in the endoplasmic reticulum was used, which is slower than intracellular calcium concentration and has a negative feedback action with the intracellular calcium concentration. The bifurcation scenarios with complex processes simulated in ...
Endoplasmic Reticulum Located around the nucleus Appears as canals A.k.a. – ER The function of the ER is to transport materials within the cell AND…. Sometimes contains ribosomes Ribosomes Located on the ER and scattered around the cytoplasm Appears as dots The function is protein formation ...
Plant vs Animal Cells – complete the table Cell Membrane Cell Wall Nucleus Endoplasmic Reticulum Mitochondria Chloroplasts Golgi Body Lysosomes Centrioles Vacuoles Can you identify any organelles in this electron microscope pictures? Plant or animal cell?
This glycan is cotranslationally transferred en bloc onto Asn-X-Ser/Thr sites of the newly synthesized protein as it enters the endoplasmic reticulum. The enzymes involved is such synthesis include the ALG (asparagine-linked N-glycosylation) enzymes and additional proteins (part of OSTA and OSTB)...
The major changes thus far observed were consistent with differentiation towards plasma cells, showing enhanced clustering of floating cells, reduced D N A syn- thesis, increase of the cytoplasm/nucleus ratio, appearance of numerous rough endoplasmic reticulum in cytoplasm, and increase of immtmo...
Decision points for the first player in an “envelope game” are graphed like the branches of a tree. In a game with two players, each has a potential payoff, but the first one’s actions determine the second one’s payoff in each round. Choices whether to gather more information by loo...
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