雅思口语P2 Describe a book you read that you found useful(饮食书籍) 倍速播放音效调节下载收听 00:0003:38 打开APP,完整收听Recommend 推荐 A proper way 靠谱的方式 Overcome the problems 克服困难 Take notes 做笔记 更多文本解答以及留学申请/关注每日朋友圈更新 ...
I have been reading it for more than 2-3 weeks and have finished more than half of the book. Since I got busy with my work and exam, I had not been able to finish it yet. I usually read about one hour at night and sometimes more than an hour if I have a day off the next d...
启利教育 出国留学 雅思托福 机考软件 首页 雅思备考 托福提高 留学咨询 关于我们 报名体验 亲爱的游客,您需要升级到 钻石会员 才能查看文章 登录 上一篇(9月新题)Describe a film that made you laugh 下一篇P2 串联故事 二苏公网安备 32059002001839号 沪ICP备18001057号-2 沪ICP备18001057号-2 在线客服...
Describe a time you were friendly to someone you did not like(预测) 2.6万 2015-02 2 Describe a book you have read(预测) 3万 2015-02 3 Describe a vehicle you want to buy(预测) 3.5万 2015-02 4 考雅思一定报班吗 3.4万 2015-02 ...
“Describe a book”in IELTS Speaking is a topic that many candidates encounter in the IELTS Speaking test. Topic1:Describe a book you have recently read What kind of book it is What it is about What sort of people would enjoy it
Describe a book you have read recently. You should say: what kind of book it is who wrote the book what the story of the book is and explain if it is a good book or not. Once you have read the cue card, you must think about it quickly. Analyse the topic and ask yourself what ...
You should say: who wrote this book what it is about when you read it and explain why you liked it. Band 8 Sample Well, I’m going to share with you the book that I was reallyfond ofreading when I was a little girl, which is Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. It’s a...
雅思口语part2范文:Describe a book you want to read again You should say: What the book is about Why you read it What you learned from this book And explain why you would like to read it again. 雅思口语范文: Ok, well after a bit of thought, I’ve decided that the book I’d like...
(4228期)多次阅读的书 Describe a book that you have read many times Many times 许多次 A thousand times 一千多次 100 times一百多次 推荐 Recommend 准备 Get ready for it 准备好 Tips and techniques 技巧和小提示 Balance the work and life 权衡生活和工作 Come acros...
雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a book that you have read many times 描述一本你多次阅读的书 思路点拨:以下思路仅供参考,希望大家根据自己的真实经历编写答案 这道题大体有两个回答方向。一是描述自己喜欢的书(传记、小说、自传、历史、科学、旅行以及社会学等书籍),比如《三国演义》,《红楼梦》,《双城记》,《...