I'd like to talk about the beautiful city of Paris, which is often referred to as the "City of Love" and the "City of Lights." Paris is located in the heart of France and is renowned worldwide for its breatht...
Describe a beautiful city. You should say: Where the city is How you knew about the city What buildings the city has And explain why you think the city is beautiful 3分钟学雅思 第十季 Episode 43 本期节目话题参考文本 作者:Stephen I'd...
所属专辑:【2023年9-12月】雅思口语PART2 新题 声音简介 Describe a beautiful city美丽城市 Part2 You should say: Where the city is How you knew the city What buildings the city has And explain what it is famous for This topic reminds me of "the finest modern andcosmopolitan atmosphere". Ne...
IELTS 首页 练习 模考 公开课 提分课程 备考资讯 满分主讲 APP 我的雅思 登录 练习栏目> 机经> PART2 美丽的城市 Describe a beautiful city You should say: Where the city is What buildings the city has What it is famous for And explain why you think this city is beautiful...
雅思口语Part2【美丽的城市】逻辑导图及高分素材音频 (Recorded by Nick,需要音频的小伙伴请戳链接哦~) I'd like to talk aboutHangzhouwhich is a city I have visited couple of weeks ago. Hangzhou is a beautiful city located in Zhejiang province, the southern China. It is so picturesque that we...
每日即兴英文演讲 Describe a beautiful city 知识 职业职场 英文 演讲 英语 学习 练习 英文即兴演讲 英语口语 英文演讲 口语 雅思口语英文演讲爱好者Scott 发消息 热爱英文演讲,每天练习,熟能生巧 :) 3步创作智能体,数字分身来帮你 每日英文即兴演讲合集 (691/722) 自动连播 148.5万播放简介 订阅合集 life ...
Describe a beautiful city You should say: Where the city is How you knew the city What buildings the city has And explain what it is famous for 参考答案 下面是老烤鸭小编根据具体的题目要求,给出的原创参考答案: 请北京新航道、上海新航道、小站雅思,阿卡索外教网,百利天下留学以及智课网等机构不要再...
截止目前为止,本季度口语Part 2部分共更新24道新题。 其中人物类2道;事件类14道;物品类7道,地点类1道。 具体题目如下: 人物类: 1. Describe a person who is good at making people feel welcome in his or her home. (好客之人) 2.Describe a person you know who like to talk a lot. (健谈之人...
2019-02-01 12:38:2903:298653 所属专辑:雅思口语新周刊 English Podcast 声音简介 The center of economy and finance 金融和经济中心 Good job opportunities 好工作机会 The things that I have mentioned above 我提及过的内容 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑...
雅思口语Part2话题卡:Describe a city you would recommend as a nice place to live (not your hometown) 描述一个你会推荐的宜居之地 思路点拨:以下思路仅供参考,希望大家根据自己的真实经历编写答案 一个城市适宜居住的原因有很多。它可以是因为环境优美,绿化出众,临山傍水;也可以是因为经济发达,购物、求职、上...