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50 years to become the first Japanese production of professional self-development trading company ski clothes. Descente Ltd. on skiing and other types of movement to support long-term commitment and passion, the passion for sports trading company for decades along with the growth process. Trading ...
Descente reaps pretax profits despite drop in skiwear sales. (Descente Ltd.)Furukawa, Tsukasa
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DESCENTE,sport,ski,baseball,swimming,soccer,fitness,golf,outdoor,wear 简介(Description) 128个字符 (一般不超过200字符) DESCENTE LTD. corporate web site. Corporate Profile, Brand Information, Corporate Social Responsibility, and Investor Relations.百度...
标题(Title)13个字符 (一般不超过80字符):DESCENTE LTD. 关键词(Keywords)69个字符 (一般不超过100字符):DESCENTE,sport,ski,baseball,swimming,soccer,fitness,golf,outdoor,wear 简介(Description)128个字符 (一般不超过200字符):DESCENTE LTD. corporate web site. Corporate Profile, Brand Information, Corpora...
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