Define undescended. undescended synonyms, undescended pronunciation, undescended translation, English dictionary definition of undescended. adj remaining in the abdominal cavity rather than descending to lie in the scrotum Collins English Dictionary – C
Undescended definition: (of a testicle) not having descended from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum.. See examples of UNDESCENDED used in a sentence.
Define undescended testes. undescended testes synonyms, undescended testes pronunciation, undescended testes translation, English dictionary definition of undescended testes. Condition in which the testes, which usually develop in the abdomen and descend
Definition and Terminology Issues The first classification system of an abnormal located ovary was created by Wharton in 1959.19 There were two groups: accessory (ovarian tissue located near and connected to a normally placed ovary) and supernumerary (at a distance from normal ovaries). Because this...
Two male patients with ring Y: definition of an interval in Yq contributing to Turner syndrome J Med Genet, 36 (1999), pp. 549-553 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar 11 R.D. Wegner, G. Scherer, M. Pohlschmidt, D. L'Allemand, A. Gal Ring Y chromosome: cytogenetic and molecular characteriza...
The origin of life has challenged scientific investigation for a century or more, generating diverse opinions relating to several disjoint questions about life’s definition in terms of compartmentation, metabolism, and information transfer/storage [12–16]. A central issue linking these questions is ...