Disney has greenlit “The Pocketwatch,” a new musical to take viewers back to Auradon and Isle of the Lost. The film will also bring the audience through the rabbit hole to the hostile unincorporated territory of Wonderland; a magical, mysterious place made famous in “Alice in Wonderland...
Coming summer 2025, the Descendants/Zombies: Worlds Collide Tour is hitting the road all across the United States with many stars from both of the Disney musical films. In addition to the tour dates being revealed, it was also just announced that two more stars are joining the previously anno...
Duration:03:08- Preview at:02:00 Release date:2019 Genres:Film & TV Soundtracks,Musicals & Broadway,In English Original songwriters:Antonina Armato, Tim James, Thomas Armato Sturges, Adam Schmalholz All the content on our website is entirely reproduced by our musicians in studio. We do not ...
Here is the latestDescendantsfilm’s official synopsis: “Descendants: The Rise of Red” follows the story of Red, the rebellious daughter of the Queen of Hearts, and Chloe, Cinderella’s perfectionist daughter. When the tyrannical Queen of Hearts incites a coup against Auradon, polar opposites ...
Genres:Film & TV Soundtracks,Musicals & Broadway,In English Original songwriters:Grant Phillip Michaels, Samuel Hollander, Charity Daw, Josh Edmondson All the content on our website is entirely reproduced by our musicians in studio. We do not use any parts of the original recordings and do not...
With the best songs, most in-depth and creative use of the premise, bigger stakes, better performances (Mal as an old hag is everything) and sets / set-pieces that harken Broadway, it notches up the best of the series. However, the key to its greatness is its core principal: justice...
Genres: Film & TV Soundtracks, Musicals & Broadway, In English Original songwriters: Jack David Kugell, Matthew Wong, Hanna Jones All the content on our website is entirely reproduced by our musicians in studio. We do not use any parts of the original recordings and do not make use of ...