Después de descargar el instalador, puede seguir el procedimiento descrito enInstalar Photoshop Elementspara instalar la aplicación. Pruebe la versión más reciente de Photoshop Elements|Explore la suite de productos de Elements Temas relacionados ...
Código Appcom.studio27.MelonPlayground descripción Let your imagination loose with the wide variety of items at your disposal: melee weapons, guns and even barrels! Permissions list InternetAllows to access internet network. Write external storageAllows to write to external storage such as SD card...
Adobe Premiere Elements 2024 En Windows En macOS Descargar versión de 64 bits Descargar Idiomas: checo, neerlandés, inglés, francés, alemán, italiano, japonés, polaco, español y sueco Requisito previo para una experiencia de descarga fluida No interrumpa la conexión a Internet has...
InternetAllows to access internet network. Access network stateAllows to access information about networks. customer permission. Access wifi stateAllows to access information about Wi-Fi networks. Write external storageAllows to write to external storage such as SD ...
InternetAllows to access internet network. Wake lockAllows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming. Access wifi stateAllows to access information about Wi-Fi networks. Access network stateAllows to access information about networks. ...
Wake lockAllows using PowerManager WakeLocks to keep processor from sleeping or screen from dimming. customer permission. InternetAllows to access internet network. android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICEApp customer permission. ...
InternetAllows to access internet network. customer permission. Expand status barAllows to expand or collapse the status bar. android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICEApp customer permission. android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE_CONNECTED_DEVICEApp customer permission. ...
InternetAllows to access internet network. Access network stateAllows to access information about networks. Use credentialsAllows to request authtokens from the AccountManager. Get tasksAllows to get information about the currently or recently running tasks. ...
InternetAllows to access internet network. customer permission. Access network stateAllows to access information about networks. Kill background processesAllows to terminate background process. Restart packagesAllows to restart apps. ...
InternetAllows to access internet network. Master clearAllows to use factory reset. android.permission.MANAGE_LOW_POWER_STANDBYApp customer permission. Media content controlAllows to know what content is playing and control its playback. android.permission.PACKAGE_USAGE_STATSApp customer permission. ...