SQL DESC statement use for describe the list of column definitions for specified table. You can use either DESC or DESCRIBE statement. both are return same result. DESCRIBE statement to get following information: Column Name Column allow NULL or NOT NULL Datatype of the Column With database siz...
使用SQL WINDOW运行desc命令就报invalid sql statement错误!! 使用Command Window就可以!!!
#从 MySQL 5.1.12 开始,可以用以下三种模式来实现:基于SQL语句的复制(statement-based replication, SBR),基于行的复制(row-based replication, RBR), #混合模式复制(mixed-based replication, MBR)。相应地,binlog的格式也有三种:STATEMENT,ROW,MIXED。MBR 模式中,SBR 模式是默认的。 #max_binlog_cache_size =...
statement, $2.explain_into_variable_name.length ? std::optional<std::string_view>( to_string_view($2.explain_into_variable_name)) : std::optional<std::string_view>(std::nullopt), $3.schema_name_for_explain); } ; describe_command 语义组用于解析 DESCRIBE、EXPLAIN 和DESC 关键字,详见...
select_statement UNION [ALL] selectstatement [UNION [ALL] selectstatement][…n] ——其中selectstatement为待联合的SELECT查询语句。 ALL选项表示将所有行合并到结果集合中。不指定该项时,被联合查询结果集合中的重复行将只保留一行。 联合查询时,查询结果的列标题为第一个查询语句的列标题。因此,要定义列标题必...
(DM)SQLExecute、SQLExecDirect、SQLBulkOperations或SQLSetPos已針對與 DescriptorHandle 相關聯並傳回SQL_NEED_DATA的 StatementHandle呼叫。 在針對所有資料執行中參數或資料行傳送資料之前,會呼叫此函式。 (DM) 針對與DescriptorHandle相關聯的連接控制碼呼叫非同步執行函式。 呼叫 SQLSetDescField函式時,這個非同步...
Note that SQLBindParameter sets more fields than SQLSetDescRec, can set fields on both an APD and an IPD in one call, and does not require a descriptor handle.Note The statement attribute SQL_ATTR_USE_BOOKMARKS should always be set before calling SQLSetDescRec with a RecNumber argument of...
DESC TheDESCcommand is used to sort the data returned in descending order. The following SQL statement selects all the columns from the "Customers" table, sorted descending by the "CustomerName" column: ExampleGet your own SQL Server SELECT*FROMCustomers...
Many header fields are also statement attributes, so they can also be set by a call to SQLSetStmtAttr. This allows applications to set a descriptor field without first obtaining a descriptor handle. When SQLSetDescField is called to set a header field, the RecNumber argument is ignored....
SQLGetStmtAttr(g_hStmt, SQL_ATTR_IMP_ROW_DESC, (SQLPOINTER) &hIRD, sizeof(SQLHDESC), &cbIRD); // For statement-wide column attributes, any // descriptor record will do. You know that 1 exists, // so use it. SQLGetDescField(hIRD, 1, SQL_CA_SS_NUM_COMPUTES, (SQLPOINTER) &n...