COLOMBIAURBAN planningCITIES & townsRURAL poorMUNICIPAL servicesPOVERTY areasPOVERTYPoverty in rural areas has been a persistent condition throughout Colombian history. In order to broadening the understanding of those dynamics that contribute to the perpetuation of poverty, this ...
cycle, are capable of influencing the generation of local development processes because they become leaders of their own communities and build the fabric of society.ltbrgtltbrgtes El desarrollo rural no se entiende de la misma manera en mbitos tan diversos como el europeo y el latinoamericano....
Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural, 8(67), 251-274.LOPEZ DE MESA, J. "Determinantes de un sistema organizacional en red para el desarrollo rural del turismo en Antioquia (Colombia)". Cuadernos de Desarrollo Rural. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Bogota D.C., vol. 8, num. 67, pp. 251-274. ...
1776 of 2016, which creates the Areas of Interest of Rural, Economic and Social Development (Zidres). It is argued that the Zidres respond to interests, actors and guidelines both globally and locally. At a global level, the Zidres are the result of pressures f...
The main objective is to formulate policy implications on how the State may contribute to facilitate that these organizations constitute vehicles for rural development. The article argues that the conditions that facilitate the development of agricultural cooperatives ...
LOS RECURSOS ZOOGENÉTICOS Y EL DESARROLLO SOSTENIBLE EN SABANAS INUNDABLES DE ARAUCA (COLOMBIA)In this intervention is to explain the purpose aimed towards sustainable development through the use of Ani- mal Genetic Resources (creole race) as the only way to produce cheap food, healthy and ...
Colombia is a country of vast social inequalities with 20 million people in poverty, 12% of its rural population has access only potable water and 42% of peasants don't have basic sanitation. To the current pace with the global economic crisis and the country's socioeconomic situation, it'...