Define descried. descried synonyms, descried pronunciation, descried translation, English dictionary definition of descried. tr.v. de·scried , de·scry·ing , de·scries 1. To catch sight of . See Synonyms at see1. 2. To discover by careful observation
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia. hep·a·ti·tis (hĕp′ə-tī′tĭs) n. pl. hep·a·tit·i·des (-tĭt′ĭ-dēz′) 1. Inflammation of the liver, caused by infectious or toxic agents and characterized by jaundice, fever, liver enlargement, and abdominal pain...
Download: Download full-size image Fig. 1. Propriétés fonctionnelles des Cellules Stromales Mésenchymateuses.(d’après des images de Servier Medical ArtTM) NOUVEAUX MODES D’ACTION DES CELLULES STROMALES MÉSENCHYMATEUSES Les différents mécanismes d’action des CSM sont en cours d’explorat...
Leeza, there is a doctor on Park Ave, I believe his name is Mel Levine. He is with Columbia Pres. And is an expert in DES. I’m not sure if he is still practicing as I saw him in the 80s. Also try north shore medical center, they have a lot of research on DES that comes f...
Collective air medical evacuation: the French tool Air Med J, 31 (13) (2012), pp. 124-128, 10.1016/j.amj.2011.09.002 View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [10] U. Strauch, D.C. Bergmans, B. Winkens, P.M. Roekaerts Short-term outcomes and mortality after interhospital in...
Full size image Baron de Santa-Anna Nery referred to himself as a "volunteer propagandist" for Brazil in Europe, serving as an immigration agent to publicize the living conditions in the Amazonas province, advocating for the development and modernization of the Amazon [29, 33]. Due to his fam...
aThe purpose of knowledge management is to have the best of both: a decentralized organization releasing its full creative potential while at the same time making sure that other decentralized units reuse the good ideas generated. 知识管理的目的将有最佳两个: 发布它充分的创造性的潜力的一个分散的组...
This in turn decreases the risk of infection amongst those who remain susceptible in the community, and helps prevent disease outbreaks. In 2016, over 19 million children did not receive the full series of basic vaccinations globally, which resulted in numerous vaccine‐preventable disease outbreaks...
Also found in: Thesaurus, Medical, Encyclopedia, Wikipedia. ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch to new thesaurus Noun 1. Polystichum acrostichoides - North American evergreen fern having pinnate leaves and dense clusters of lance-shaped fronds canker brake, Christmas fern, dagger ...
Download: Download full-size image Fig. 2. Anatomie et rapport des cavités sinusiennes entre elles. Fig. 2. Nasosinusonasal cavities. Sf: Frontal sinus; SM: maxillary sinus; EA: anterior ethmoid; EP: posterior ethmoid; SP: sphenoid sinus. Grâce à des études anatomiques et radiologique...